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Tartalom betöltése...

Brandon Manor


Adv. Critical Reading 4A


Overall, both parties should be held accountable for the inappropriate relationship. The student will deal with the situation harder because it will have a large impact on their future academically, socially, and emotionally. Teachers have already developed into mature adults so should be the most responsible in the situation because they are hired to complete one main objective and that is to teach us. Children are still developing so it can cause a very big restraint on them.



  • Report it
  • Tell your parents
  • Defend yourself


  • Do not fall for it
  • Tell the child's parents
  • Don't put yourself in the predicament as to where a student could say it happened

Statistics and Public Opinion

Based off of my survey results:

  • 87.50% of the respondents said that if a teacher were to touch them inappropriately they would tell them to stop and report it to authority while the other 12.50% said they would just let it happen
  • 87.50% of the respondents felt as though teachers should be held responsible for the relationship while the other 12.50% disagreed.
  • Although, 75% of the respondents also felt that students should be penalized for going along with the relationship while the other 25% felt as though they shouldn't

History and Background

Teacher-student relationships have been going on for years now and is still increasing by the number as we speak. In the 2013-2014 school year it happened nearly almost 180 times in the state of Texas.


  • Academic restraint
  • Socialization problems
  • Problems in their household


Although, some may feel as though teachers deal with it harder.

  • They can lose their job
  • Go to jail
  • Lose their family and friends
  • Become an outcast in society
  • May never get a job as a teacher again


Students come to school strictly come to learn, and teachers come strictly to teach. So if both are coming to school to strictly to school to do one task, how are these inappropriate relationships arising?

  • Inappropriate teacher-student relationships will affect the student more academically, socially, and emotionally.

Inappropriate Teacher-Student Relationships

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