Who was Prime Minister R.B. Bennet?
Difference between the 1920's vs the 1930's
- Richard Bedford Bennett, was a businessman, lawyer, politician, and prime minister.
- He led the Conservative Party 1927-38, and was prime minister of Canada, August 7, 1930 to October 23, 1935.
- In 1893, Bennett went to Calgary and became the law partner of Senator James A. Lougheed.
- In 1898 he won election as a Conservative to the Assembly of the North-West Territories, but failed in bids to enter federal politics in 1900 and the new Alberta legislature in 1905.
- In 1927 Bennett gained the Conservative leadership at the party's first convention.
- An excellent parliamentary debater, he strengthened the party, but it was the Great Depression which assured victory in the 1930 election.
- Bennett continued ineffectively as opposition leader until 1938, when he bitterly abandoned Canada and bought an estate in Surrey, England.
- He never forgave Canada for failing him, and, in ignoring his career, Canadians, have not forgiven Bennett.
- Unemployment rates were less than 3%
- The economy was increasesing exponentially with mass production and new trading partners
- By 1928, 80% of radio programs Canadians listened to were US
- Unemployment rates were approxiamtely 27%, but Bennett promised to fixed them
- In 1933, exports dropped by half since 1929
- Bennett combatted the "insidious American influence" by establishing the Canadian Radio Broadcasting Commission
Prominent Actions and Policies
- Before he won his election in 1898 , R.B Bennett and his conservative party promised to find work for all who were willing to
- Once Prime Minister, he believed that conservatives should intefer with canadians as little as possible and started to increase tariffs (taxes) to higher amounts
- But, by 1932 almost a quarter of workers were jobless! So Bennett created labor camps for umeployed single men who were only payed 20 cents a day in return fro a 44-hour hard week of labor
- In return, Bennett became a laughing joke and the camps unpopular ->
- By 1935, another election was called and Bennett's opponent, William Mackenzie King won with a majority government
- Even though he was out of office R.B Bennett's new deal legislation was challenged in the supreme court
- Even though R.B Bennett was not praised for his actions, he created corporations such as CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation), Canadian Wheat Board, and the bank of Canada
- R.B Bennett is also know for signing the Statute of Westminster
Prime Minister R.B. Bennett
Interwar Presentation by: Jacob D., Victoria T. and Sarah H.