Llanos vs Pampas
About Llanos
- The "Llanos" is an open grass plain in Spanish America or Southwestern United States.
- This vast tropical grassland is to the East of the Andes in Columbia and Venezuela.
- Llanos grasslands extend from the foothills of the Andes to the Atlantic Ocean.
- Second largest savanna of South America.
Llanos & Pampas of South America
Interesting Facts about Pampas
About Pampas
- The Pampa contains most of Argentina's population.
- Precipitation decreases from east to west.
- Trees are found only along watercourses , the soil of the pampas is very fertile and supports a thriving pastoral and farming economy.
- Cattle was first introduced to the region by the Portuguese in the 1550s. Throughout the colonial period , only a small part of the Pampa was used.
- Economic activity was practically restricted to strictly stock raising for the exportation of hides, tallow, and jerked beef.
- Eventually herds of cattle roamed freely over the Pampa.
- Pampas are the extensive treeless plains in South America
- Quechua pampas, meaning "plain"
- Covers more than 750,000 km2 , which includes Argentine provinces like Buenos Aries , La Pampa , and Santa Fe to name a few.
- La Pampa is a region that is know for their fertile plains of pampas.
Interesting Facts About Llanos
- During the dry season ( November to April) , the llanos the land is sear , the grass is brown , britle and inedible. And during the rainy season the land floods.
- The sparsely populated llanos support a pastoral economy; cattle raising is dominant.
- With flood control and water storage projects in the region, sections of the llanos have been turned into fertile agricultural land.
- The climate of the Llanos is very unique, the average yearly rainfall is 430 millimeters , and the temperature range is about 24.8 degress celcius.