Reem Barry
Aram Aldewesh
Afnan Aljuair
Lamia Alsahali
Mrs. Manal Alsulami
Class 7Q1
The Nature Of Organizational Change
Criticism Of Grundy’s Types Of Change !
The Pace and Scope Of Change
Balogun and Hope Hailey’s 2004 identification of change paths, go one step further in suggesting 4 types of change:
Tushman, Newman and Romanelli 1988
They suggest there are two types of converging change
Incremental change:
fine tuning
Discontinuous Of Frame-Breaking Change
The need for it
Industry discontinuities
Frame-breaking change
Product life cycle shifts
is usually implemented rapidly revolutionary changes
incremental adaptations
Internal company dynamics
The four quadrants portray
4. Continuous and radical change
1. Continuous and convergent change
3. Episodic and radical change
Major Types of Change (Grundy, 1993)
2. Episodic and convergent change
Types Of Change
Grundy’s three ‘varieties of change’ (based on observation):
Plowman Et Al (2007)’ Model Of Change
Organizational change can be mapped in terms of its pace
Diagnosing change situations
4. Continuous and radical
Model of industry behaviour (strebel, 1996)
1. Continuous and convergent
The model has two phases:
Innovation phase
Efficiency phase
2. Episodic and convergent
Fine tuning to corporate transformation
scale 4
Dunphy and Stace (1993) Model: defining the scale of change.
Planned and emergent change
scale 3
Emergent change?
design by Dóri Sirály for Prezi
Scale 1
scale 2
Planned change?
Predictable Change
The organisational life-cycle by Greiner (1972):