The Whole Group Discussion
How to Set Up the CBLA Learning Environment
The lesson will start at the Whole-Group Discussion center located at the middle of the classroom. A label is tacked which will signify that this is the “Whole Group-Discussion Center”
The Computer Center is near Art/Activity Center and Manipulative Center because they emit noise. The Journal/Writing Center and the Reading Center are also near each other. They need “quite time” most of the time.
Spiritual Intelligence
The Art/Activity
The Computer Center
Some learners rely on the sense of sight to visualize.The center is located near Computer Center and Journal/Writing Center.A label will signify that this is an Art/Activity Center.
The computer center is stationed near the Art/Activity Center and Manipulative Centers because these centers generate noise.
• Musical/Rhythmic Intelligence
The Reading Center
is about psychic ability, having third eye, has ESP- Extra Sensory Perception power or good in mental telepathy
The Journal/Writing
The Reading Center should be located near the Journal/Writing Center but should be some distance from the Manipulative Center which is a noisy center.This center encourages self-reflection, metacognition and self-awareness as new ideas, new information and new knowledge are picked up.
The Journal/Writing Center is located near the Art/Activity Center and the Reading Center, the quiet areas. The learners work cooperatively on a big table.
is recognition of tone, beat, tempo, melody, pitch, sound and ability to create music and analyze music
The Manipulative
The Manipulative Center is located between two centers, near the Computer Center but a little bit far from the Reading Center.This center promotes understanding and expressing oneself through experiments; through music and rhythmic movement as in dancing, role playing, composing, playing and conducting.
Logical/Mathematical Intelligence
is recognition of patterns, numbers and numerical data, causes and effects, objective and quantitative reasoning and ability to work effectively with numbers and reason effectively.
Naturalist Intelligence
Bodily/Kinesthetic Intelligence
is recognition to touch, movement, physical self, athleticism and the ability to use the hands to fix or create and use the body expressively.
Existential Intelligence
is survival skill, coping mechanism and the ability to create schema, techniques and strategies to solve a problem to continue existing.
Interpersonal Intelligence
is recognition of body language, mood as, voice, feelings and the ability to work with people and help people identify and overcome problems.
is recognition of natural objects, plants, animals, naturally occurring patterns, ecological issues and ability to analyze ecological and natural situations and data, learn from living things and work in natural settings.
Logical/Mathematical Intelligence
Intrapersonal Intelligence
Bodily/Kinesthetic Intelligence
CBLA anchors on the philosophy of Howard Gardner that we are born with multiple intelligences namely:
Musical/Rhythmic Intelligence
Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence
Naturalist Intelligence
Visual/Spatial intelligence
Philosophies and learning theories that support CBLA
A teacher becomes a catalyst of learning, a facilitator, instead of previous role as sole provider of knowledge and information.
The Center-Based Learning Approach is an innovative method of teaching and learning. This teaching approach utilized not direct instruction, rather, give learners the opportunities to construct and discover new knowledge, concepts and ideas by their own through exploring, investigating, experimenting and experiencing in the five learning centers namely:
Manipulative Center
Computer center
Reading Center
Visual/Spatial intelligence
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Tips in Setting Up the Learning Centers
Jane Mary D. Serbo
is recognition of colors, shapes, visual puzzles, lines, images and ability to create visually and visualize accurately.
Learners should be able to perform center activities with little or no assistance from an adult; Provide labels, materials, signs and direction symbols; Be sure the center has all the materials and learners’ needs so they won’t have to be interrupted to find something; Provide a way for learners to record which centres they have completed; There should be consistency and clarity of lessons to be learned, Utilize color-coding.
Managing the Centers
Center-Based Learning is made possible by the teacher through three types of rotation:
(1.)Teacher-Structured where the teacher is the authority, grouping learners and assigning them to a particular center based on scientific observation of their learning styles
(2.)Individual Choice where learner chooses what center he likes to go to, what he wants to do, and whom he wants to work with
(3.)Open Rotation where learner hops from one center to another according to his own pace and choice.
Course Professor:
The Role of the Teacher in a
Center-Based Learning Environment
The teacher prepares the physical and psychological environment; specifies clearly the academic and cooperative objectives of the lesson or activity; explains clearly the tasks and goal structures to learners.
Dr. May Q. Apat
Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence
is that which recognizes sounds, meanings, structures and styles of language and the ability to speak effectively or write effectively.