What Else Can You Do With Your Rankipedia Profile?
But we didn't just stop here...
1. Log on to www.rankipedia.com,
create a consumer account
then log in with your account
You will be navigated to your back end, page where you can edit your profile. Click on the "Home" tab.
Here is how you can use it.
Rankipedia runs the extra mile in getting you the
highest standards of dentistry, by adding a
"Comparison Feature" whereby you can compare
up to 5 dentists, based on Accolades, Knowledge,
Pricing, Influence Consumer satisfaction and
Quality of labs used.
As you click on the compare buttons, their
text changes to "Compare Now".
Select up to dentists, and click "Compare Now"
on any of them to get the comparison.
You will then be navigated to a
list of top ranking dentists in your
Click on the "Compare" button for
up to 5 dentists in the list.
Post Your Own Before And Afters
Log in to your Rankipedia account and click
"Add Before & After" from the top tabs.
You will be navigated to a page where you can add your pictures. Add your pictures, with the choice of
assigning them to a dentist who treated you, or keeping them private.
Rankipedia Consumers
By assigning them to a dentist, you will be able
to see them on the Rankipedia profile of that
dentist. These pictures can be rated here, as well
as shared on the social media with the social
share icons.
You will be navigated to a list of dentists in your area. The top most dentist in this list is the one
with highest credentials, ratings, education and
You can click on any name in the list to get
complete information, such as working hours and
insurances, about the dentist.
Log on to www.rankipedia.com,
and select "Dentists" from the
drop down menu
...and here is how it works....
Our primary purpose is to help you, the consumer
identify the "Apples" of dentistry.
For that, we have devised algorithms that rank
the dentists according to their education, influence,
skills and credibility.
Now, on a point and click basis, you can find out the
top ranking dentists in your area, listed according
to their county and national rankings.
Create Your Rankipedia Profile Today!
Log on to www.rankipedia.com