CFC Covenant Orientation Talk # 2:
Prayer & Scripture
1. How is your prayer life?
2. How often do you read the Bible?
“If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.”
Some reasons why we do not have a personal prayer time.
Hindrances of having Personal Prayer
I already go to Church services (Mass) and that's enough.
Our community encourages us to have our own personal prayer time
"The real reason to pray, Jesus prayed" - William Barclay
Lack of understanding about prayer.
There are lots of occasions in the Bible where Jesus prayed.
Our problem is not lack of time, but our attitude.
I don't have the time.
Prayer is the hand of faith on the door knob of your heart, inviting Jesus to enter.
It’s hard to pray because humbling ourselves, getting over ourselves, and coming to the end of our stubborn and sinful selves is hard.
It is too difficult.
The difficulty is often of our own making.
Building a Personal Prayer
Make a commitment to pray at a scheduled time.
If you are just starting to pray, start with a short time of prayer.
Look for the right place where you will not be distracted.
Resolve to be open to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
Deal with obstacles to prayer.
Anxieties and concerns that distract us.
Too much concern about the quality of our prayer.
Difficulty in listening or hearing the Lord.
Scripture and Inspirational reading
1. Aside from daily personal prayer, we also need to read and meditate on the Word of God.
2. It is recommended that we incorporate our Bible reading into our daily prayer time.
3. We should spend some other time during the week to study the Bible.
4. We should read Christian books.
1. A lack of a regular prayer time reflects a lack of faithfulness to the Lord.
2. When we neglect prayer, we will reap the consequences in the form of a powerless Christian life, devoid of peace and direction.
3. If we pray and read the Bible, we tap on to God's power.
Communicate and Be friend with God.