Oblivion movie set Explained
- A Futuristic Habitat at high Altitude
- With lot of curved glass all around
Bounce light will impossible 2 key out
- Hero location so needs lot of scope
- Cant fix everything in POST VFX
- Audince can "Smell" low effort
Use it well or its feels like waste of time
- A good set can Suspension of disbelief
- Lame movie can become enjoyable
- 1:1 Full Scale & Size Set 4 actors
- 360 Plates on top a mountain
- front projection around the set
- done in special effects no VFX
- flexibility + One stop soloution
mood can be changed on the fly
Thanks For Watching
- U cant see any flaw in oblivion sky tower
- IT just FEELS & new tool kit for makers
- Many productions can use it to improve
- Dharmakshetra Nov 2014 would have
benefited a lot from it Its not expensive
- Effort in set = Qulity in feel of the movie
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