The enemy of my enemy is my friend
EPN- Entomopathogenic nematode
- Infect insect pests
- =>reduce insect pest damage to crops
- => improves food production
- no harmful effect on humans and nematodes remain in soil
ANTIXENOSIS (Non-Preference)
Exploring an Unseen World - Nematology
Raymond L. Collett
Unit for Environmental Sciences and Management
Anti- (Greek) Against, opposed to. Xenos (Greek) Stranger.
According to Kogan & Ortman (1978) it is a type of resistance that triggers the response or behavioral process of the pest insect to consider the host plant as a "non-preference" resulting in avoidance of the host plant as a source of food or oviposition substrate.
"Keeps the guest away"
The not so good, the bad, ugly (Part 1)
- Syptoms above ground
- wilting, chlorosis, stunted growth, 2nd infection, seed galling, death => yield loss
Reasons for GHPR
- Self-renewing in nature
- controls itself
- built into the seed
- control extends into generations
- potentially indefinite
- Advantage in low-input farming
- GHPR cost no more than planting
- "saves" resources
- Improves development of IPM
- biological control & GHPR
- a.k.a. "roundworms"
- aquatic animals
- feed on animals, plants, bacteria, fungi, other nematodes
- can be 'good' (free-living) or 'bad' (parasitic)
- more than 20 000 species
- 50 micometers to 7 meters long
- 100 nematodes per teaspoon soil
- can be found as deep as 3.6 km