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World War II Learning Objectives
World War II
1. Compare the three dictators discussed in class and briefly contrast Fascism, Communism, and Nazism.
2. Review the causes and effects of the Policy of Appeasement by Britain and France. Identify the progression of steps taken by Hitler towards the beginning of WWII. Include more than just the trigger of the war.
3. Trace the origins of the Holocaust from Nazi ideology through and including the Final Solution.
4. List the importance of the following World War II events: Pearl Harbor, Battle of Stalingrad, D-Day, Battle of the Bulge, and the Battle of Midway.
5. Discuss the effects of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Evaluate that decision.
worth it?
Soldiers sacrificed a great deal to defeat the Axis Powers...
... and so did Americans at home.
100 Million people would fight during World War II
So what caused so many humans to risk their lives and...
50 million people would die.
It was the deadliest conflict in human history.
While Americans were soul searching at home, Military leaders were searching for a winning strategy...
Japan piles up victories
How should we attack Germany and Italy?
Now it was time to take on Japan
Japan takes Hong Kong, Singapore, the Dutch East Indies, and the Philippines.
The Battle of Midway
Attack Germany and Italy
What should the Allies do first?
Attack Japan
Selling the War
With Japan weakened, the Allies were ready to attack.
Propaganda was used to sell Americans on the lifestyle of war.
When the air and sea fighting was over, Japan had lost most of their battleships and experienced pilots.
Island Hopping
The Allies
The Axis Powers
"Hit em where they aint - let'em die on the vine."
Soviet Union, United States, Great Britain
Women took jobs formally held by men opening many eyes to new choices.
Germany, Japan, and Italy
Is the End Near?
Women and minority groups had their chance to prove they belonged
Bloody fighting
at the island of Okinawa convinces American Military leaders that Japan will not surrender.
The Tuskegee Airmen
African-American soldiers like proved as effective as their white counterparts in battle.
Germany turns to Fascism
1918: German Revolution
The German Kaiser (King) Wilhelm II signs an armistice, ending combat in the war.
Kaiser Wilhilm II abdicates (gives up) his power.
Ending the War is unpopular with many Germans, including many military officers.
Germany becomes a democracy called the Wiemar Republic.
contempt for electoral democracy
individual interests are trumped by the good of the nation.
The Wiemar Republic tries to lead during tough times.
extreme militaristic nationalism
By 1941
alliances had formed.
... by 1923, one loaf of bread cost 100 billion marks (dollars).
a belief in natural social hierarchy and the rule of elites
In 1919, one loaf of bread cost 1 mark (dollar)...
The Treaty of Versailles
The Nazi Party got rid of Democracy and turned Germany into a
Fascist Government.
Fascists believed that Germany should return to "top of the world" and annihilate of all enemies of the Aryan Race.
America transformed our economy from producing consumer products to war products
The Nazi Party becomes the largest party in the German Reichstag.
As economic conditions become harder,
people responded to the Nazi message.
The Arsenal of Democracy
Hitler writes Mein Kampf (My Struggle) while in jail. The book lays out the Nazi vision for Germany's future
Hitler and the Nazi Party also change their strategy for gaining power...
Should the United States use the Atomic Bomb on Japan?
Factories that once made Cars were now making Fighter Jets, Tanks, and Bombs.
... they will gain power by winning elections.
Nazi's lead a coup attempt. The coup fails and many leaders, including Adolf Hitler, are put in jail.
Strategy: Saturation Bombing
The Nazi Party rises to Power
Turn it into Rubble
Pick a Place...
America elects Franklin Roosevelt President
Congress passes a law preventing the U.S. from supplying "arms, ammunition, or implements of war" to nations in conflict
Congress amends the Neutrality Acts
Drop a large amount of Bombs.
When War broke out, the need for soldiers and weapons quickly put people back to work.
During the Great Depression, 1 out of 4 Americans did not have a job.
Just like the Soviet Union and Germany, the U.S. responded to the depression by changing our leader.
Strategy: Precision Bombing
U.S. changes law so that it can help supply Great Britain and France with weapons.
The massive amount of Government spending on the war ended the Great Depression.
... and the "Fragile Peace" is finally broken by Germany.
The Great Depression begins
Many in the U.S. believe we should focus on our own problems
The U.S. backs Great Britain with "All aid short of War"
The "Fragile Peace" is tested...
Picking out a strategic place to bomb, like a weapons factory.
"December 7th, 1941, a day that will live in Infamy"
-Franklin Roosevelt
Hitler's Last Stand
100,000 German causalities
90,000 U.S. causalities
When the battle was over...
1939 - The Nonaggression Pact
The Battle of the Bulge
Congress passes Lend-Lease Act
A surprise German attack on the Allied Forces.
Now without a threat from the East, he can break the Munich Pact and invade Poland.
Joseph Stalin
no longer had to worry about war with the West.
But Hitler needed more land to create his vision.
Adolf Hitler
Germany reclaims some of the land they lost after World War I
Germany makes a deal with the Soviet Union to not attack each other and split control of Poland.
These actions clearly violated the Treaty of Versailles...
"Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."
-Robert Oppenheimer, Scientist
The Allies open a second front in France
Goal: to divide the allies
and get them
to surrender.
... but the League of Nations did not have the power to stop them.
1. German lost all of its reserve army units.
2. The Luftwaffe had been destroyed.
Germany reclaims land lost in the Treaty of Versailles.
3. The remaining German forces had no back-up and could not hold back the Allies.
After Pearl Harbor, the United States ends neutrality and enters the war.
Review Time
1931 1935
...As fighting intensified in Europe
The Allies push back
The Allies gain momentum
Turning Point:
And in 1941 Japan set its sights on the United States
1936 - 1938
Japan was expanding its control over Asia
"... in order to remain healthy, species must continually expand the amount of space they occupy ..."
New Agreement
Send troops to the Rhineland
- Adolf Hitler, 1925
By breaking the Treaty, Germany put France and Great Britain in a difficult spot. What should they do?
Fascist Benito Mussolini takes control in Italy.
.. . these men came here - British and our allies, and Americans - to storm these beaches for one purpose only, not to gain anything for ourselves, not to fulfill any ambitions that America had for conquest, but just to preserve freedom. . . . Many thousands of men have died for such ideals as these. . . but these young boys. . . were cut off in their prime. . .
Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany
Annex Austria
Giving in to the Demands of an enemy to avoid war.
1) Germany keeps Sudetenland and Czechoslovakia.
Harsh winters in the Soviet Union made life difficult on German Soldiers. This was one of the reasons the Soviet Army was able to outlast the Germans.
The End is near
Mussolini invades the independent area of Abyssinia in Africa.
The Japanese Army invades Manchuria
President Truman Drops the Bomb
Military leaders take over in Japan after they assassinate the prime minister.
Joseph Stalin takes over in the Soviet Union when Vladimir Lenin dies
1) Enforce the Treaty by going to War with Germany.
Hitler and the Nazi party set out to create the perfect human race
Claim the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia
2) Will take no further territory.
2) Give in to Germany and make a new treaty?
More than 300 planes dropped 13,000 bombs over coastal Normandy immediately in advance of the invasion.
A series of unfortunate events...
What led the world to War?
Fighting in the Soviet Union lasted more than 2 years
and France.
Germany captures Denmark and Norway
September 1:
Hitler, as well as the leaders of Japan and Italy believed that their nations required Lebensraum ('living space') in order to survive.
Germany sets its sights on the Soviet Union
German Losses:
1 million soldiers
50% of aircraft
50% of tanks
Soviet Losses:
5 million people
50% of aircraft
Nearly all Tanks
and invades in Operation Barbarossa
Operation Torch: Allies invade Africa
France and Great Britain Declare war on Germany.
By the summer of 1940, Hitler and Germany had concurred most of Europe.
"Let there be no mistake about it. I regarded the bomb as a military weapon and never had any doubt that it should be used."
-Harry Truman, President
On their way to Berlin, Soviet and American troops liberated concentration
Within a few months of the Battle of the Bulge, Mussolini was captured and hung by the Italian people while Hitler committed suicide on April 30th, 1945
By nightfall, more than 9,000 Allied soldiers were dead or wounded, but more than 100,000 had made it ashore, securing French coastal villages.
How do dictators take power?
The Allies capture Rome and finally Won the Battle of Stalingrad
Europe is back at War
So why did these dictators invade other countries?
5000 boats transported over 150,000 men and nearly 30,000 vehicles
Turning Point:
The 2nd front split German resources
Axis troops lose a major source of oil.
Turning point:
1. Germany lost a substantial amount of troops and supplies.
2. Germany was in retreat from that point forward.
Using Blitzkrieg, Germany conquers Poland in just 17 days.
"Desperate people take desperate measures"
"The battlefront disappeared, and with it the illusion that there had ever been a battlefront. For this was no war of occupation, but a war of quick penetration and obliteration - Blitzkrieg, Lightning War."
Europe and Asia's War is about to become a true World War.
August 14, 1945 V-J Day
May 8, 1945 V-E Day
2. Gave the Allies a clear path to Hitler in Berlin.
Germany's next target was Great Britain...
1. Took the Western Front back from Germany control.
Turning Point:
... they turned their attention toward Japan
As the Allies celebrated their victory over Germany and Italy...
The Battle of Britain
Turning Point:
1. Great Britain fights Germany's Air Force to a draw.
2. Hitler decides he has crippled Great Britain so he moves to his next target.