The Alvares family encountered prejudice inside their own Hispanic community because they were newcomers.
How this compares/contrasts to my own culture
It’s always hard to be different. In this case, the difference was place of origin.
How this compares/contrasts to my own culture
What I enjoyed or found frustrating
I liked hearing about what Luis Alvarez managed to accomplish and his stream of rewards.
What I enjoyed or found frustrating
How the research and work I did affected my understanding of the culture
Some people might consider Luis an American physicist. However, it is Hispanic communities that celebrate him, and he came from Hispanic community. It shows the importance of roots in culture.
How the research and work I did affected my understanding of this culture
Questions I have about the culture and what I enjoyed the most
Questions I have about the culture and what I enjoyed the most
I actually enjoyed the physics portion most, which transcends language. However, it would be interesting to study at a different time how he overcame prejudice and how much it affected his workplace.