Name: Sia Ding Sheng
Date: 28/11/2019
Subject: News
Bushfire in Australia
Bushfires in Australia
mind map
When did Code Red fire been declared?
What's going on?
- Australia's bushfires occur during the continent's dry season.
- Temperature have hit nearly 40 degrees Celsius.
- Wind are moving at over 90 kilometers per hour
When did code Red fire been declared?
On November 21, 2019 10:44 AM
Damages of bushfire
- 6 lives have been lost
- Over 600 homes have been destroyed
- Over 3.9 millions acres have been razed
- Millions of people are shrouded in toxic smoke
- Koalas becoming '' functionally extinct ''.
We must prevent bushfire which caused disaster to a country.
Things we can do to help include:
- Regularly mowing the grass and raking up a leaves
- regularly clearing leaves from gutters,roofs,downpipes and around the base of trees
When did code Red fire been declared?
A. November 25, 2019
B. November 21, 2019
C. November 23, 2019
How many lives have been lost?
A. 6 lives
B. 8 lives
C. 10 lives
D. 12 lives
What is your opinion on my presentation?
Source: Kids news
Thank you