The giraffe ancestry was first discovered in Asia about 15 milion years ago.
With that said only about 1.5 milion year ago the fossils of giraffes were found in Isreal and Africa.
The word giraffe means fast walking camel leopard
This was the first known ancestor of a modern giraffe. They were to be the closets relative to a modern giraffe
They are known to have a much smaller neck. There body size was also much smaller than today's giraffe. They had a much closer look to a deer.
Okapis were first discovered in 1901.
They were native to North East and central Africa.
These animals were not directly related to a giraffe.
They are more closley related to the deer family.
They were in the catergory of any hoofed animal.
Lived about 30 million years ago
They lived in modern-day Kenya.
They have the similar the similarities of a deer, but the spot of a giraffe.
Climacoceras grew to be 4 feet and 9 inches as an adult.
They lived about 15 million years ago
They are extinct now.
Climacoceras had antlers on their forhead
Giraffa jumae
Giraffa jumae
These animals are probably the most related in features to our modern day giraffe.
They lived about 13 million years agoto 1 million years ago.
They were founded in Turkey and was discovered by Louis Leakey in the 1930's.
Giraffe Jumae were native to Africa
Originated From
Giraffes originated from Eastern Africa.
The population further North are more closely related to today giraffe.
Modern Giraffe Facts & Characteristics
Giraffes are mammal.
New born giraffes are about 5 to 6 feet tall.
Adult giraffes are 15 to 18 feet tall.
There life span in the wild is about 25 years.
They run about 35 mph.
The first known giraffe was the Okapi. They eveolved from this because Okapi had short necks and over millions of years giraffe necks have became longer.
They now use their necks to reach things off of trees or tall things that their rivals can not.
Modern Relatives
Modern Relatives
In presnet day giraffes closest relatives would be:
Camels - Ways the camel and and giraffe are related is that they are both herbivors meaning they feed on plants. They also are similar by having that same amount of toes.
Llamas - As we know giraffes have long necks, llamas have long necks too but not has long. Same as a camel the llama has the same amount of toes.
Back when the Okapi were first coming out, new continets were forming and it was the start of the global cooling which shifted the Earths land.
With that the animals had to adapt to the enviorental changes. Overtime causing them to evolve into new species.
Compare and Contrast
Over time giraffes features such as ther necks, colors, eating patterns have changed.
Enviromental Conditions
Enviromental Conditions
The Okapi lived in the forest and modern day giraffes live in the Sahara of Africa.
The okapi fur color was very dark and now of days they have yellow light fur to blend in witht he sahara grass.
There long necks help them reach things off of tall trees.
Giraffes long legs help the run faster away from predators. They run about 35 mph.
There eyes are big so it helps them see predators far away.