Special Education History
Brown v. Board of Education
- Decided that education could not be equal in the presence of racial segregation.
- Denied the "separate but equal" ideal.
- Brought about the idea that education could be an attainable right for everyone.
Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)
- Alloed places of education to receive financing from the federal government. Especially students who have a disability.
1972: Mills v. BOE of District of Columbia
- Involved the mistreatment of disabled children
- Started an analysis on the conduct of staff towards children with a disability.
1973: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
- Judith Heumann, Kitty Cone, and Mary Jane Owen led a 26 day sit in that led the signing of this act.
- The sit in took place in many government builldings across the country by people with disabilities.
- Stated disabled people could not be denied anything receiving federal financial assistance.
1975: Education for All Handicapped Children Act (IDEA)
- Students with disabilities had to have an education program that is personalized for them.
- This is significant becuase it led to further development for individual students with disabilities
1982: BOE of Hendrick Hudson Central School District v. Rowley
- Declared that students who participate special education services need to have access to public school programs that are beneficial to them and their needs
- Significant because this case went to the Supreme Court as the first involving special education
1988: Honig v. Doe
- Declared that a student cannot be expelled as a result of actions that stem from their disability
1986: Handicapped Children’s Protection Act
- Allowed parents of children with disabilities increased input in the planning Individual Education Plan for their children.
- Important because it allowed for parents to be further included in their child's education plan.
1989: Timothy W. v. Rochester
- Stated that children can only be qualified for special education if it is found that those children will gain from attending it.
- Important because it protects special education students
Americans with Disabilities Act
- Fights against descrimination of people with disabilities.
- Declared that all schools must adhere to laws involving peoplle with disabilities