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Unit 4: The Roots of Inequality
Debate Day:
-LRA #1 is due Friday!
-Next week, get to reading Born a Crime
On our final day in class, we will hold a debate on whether the current conflict in Ukraine meets the UN threashold as Genocide.
-I will divide the class into two teams.
-One will argue that it does meet the criteria
-One will argue against the criteria
-Every student will participate and provide evidence to support their argument's side.
-Using the skills for source analysis learned this semester, every student will provide one piece of evidence with them to support their argument.
-Debate groups may meet outside of class to plan their evidence culling and use.
-At the end of the debate, I will select which group made the most compelling argument and use of evidence.
The winning team will earn 40 points of extra credit.
Previewing Week 14
RI: Comparing 20th Century Inequality
Plan for the day
Diverse Ways of Thinking: Religion and Conflict
-The last three weeks of the semester are going to contend with difficult materials.
-We will be reading primary sources which document anti-Semitic language, violent acts, racial ideology, and genocide.
-My lecture slides will, at times, contain triggering images. It is not my intent to "shock" students, but to confront the past with documentation.
-I do employ trigger warnings before using strong imagery.
-During lectures, if you need to pause or step out of the classroom, please feel free to do so.
-Lecture: From Slavery to the Civil Rights Movement
-Discuss the readings
-Previewing our final unit
-If we have time, Previewing LRA #4 or Workshop: Chicago short-form citations.
How does this explain Tariq ibn Ziyad's motives in 710?
-Part of this new faith was the protection of dar al Islam (the abode of Islam)
-8th Century Europe was not the epitome of success and progress that we see today.
-It was a back-woods periphery of the fallen Roman Empire.
-Devoid of stability, wealth, and culture that had been promised.
Tariq saw Spain as an opportunity to expand dar al Islam, bring stability through peaceful cohabitation and resolution.
Tariq's troops had other intentions.
-Upon the arrival of Tariq's superior Musa ibn Nasayr, who saw this act as a means to upstage him, demoted Tariq.
Musa himself would be removed and replaced by his son Abd al-Aziz who was murdered by his lieutenants for embracing the trappings of Western-style Kingship.
-Ultimately, as the pace of conquest slowed, fissures within the victors.
Previewing Week 14
RI: Comparing 20th Century Inequality
Diverse Ways of Thinking: Religion and Conflict
-Short Essay #3 is due Today by 11:59pm
Short Essay 1 re-evaluation is on going
-Next week we begin the final unit of the semester: The Roots of Conflict: Genocide
- Please come prepared to discuss the reading by Gellately and Kieran.
-Reminder: 11/13 Lecture will be online - No in-class lecture that day
-I will post an online lecture under the Panopto Videos
-There will be a short online assignment associated with this online lecture for your daily participation.
Mandela's election brought with it an ANC government
-Demands for change were still being hindered by violence.
-The expectations by the African majority population on the ANC were extremely, and understandably high, and would be met with disappointment in the short term.
-The pragmatism of Mandela and the ANC allowed for slower development and resulted in no civil war nor any backlash against white South Africans.
(Truth and Reconciliation Commission)
Beginning in Week 14, we will pivot our discussion on inequality to discuss another example in which politics and racial ideology lead to genocide.
-We will spend 3 weeks tracing the history behind the crime of Genocide.
-We will start by examining the history behind racial ideology during the colonial German period and then examine four 20th Cenutry cases in which Genocidal actions occurred.
-On the final day, we will have a class debate.
-Ultimately, as the pace of conquest slowed, fissures within the victors.
-A variety of rules would remain in Islamic Iberia.
-Islamic Spain will take over where Visigoth left off.
-Inept Visigoth rulers would be replaced with equally ineffective Islamic leaders.
-Islamic rulers will come and go as no serious threat by Christians would enter the periphery region of the growing Islamic world.
RI: Comparing 20th Century Inequality
Differences between the United States and South Africa to note at this point
RI: Comparing 20th Century Inequality
United States
South Africa
Plan for the Day
RI: Comparing 20th Century Inequality
Thesis Workshop 1
The readings today presented some difficult concept to digest in understanding racial inequality in the United States.
What struck you the most about these readings?
Politics leading culture (Top/Down)
-Period of Slavery - begins formal classification for difference
-Laws are created by Apartheid Government.
-Enshrined disenfranchisement at Federal level
-Repression is legalized through policy
-Indemnity Act
-Conclusive end to Apartheid Era 1994
Culture leading Politics (Bottom/Up)
-Period of Slavery - begins formal classification for difference
-Laws and amendments changed by
representational government at Federal and State levels
-Civil War
-Supreme Court decides over laws
that either enforce or end legal segregation practices.
-Ongoing resolution of racial inequality.
What solutions do these readings present for helping to end racial inequality?
-Lecture: Comparing 20th Century Racial Inequality: South Africa and United States
1989- F.W. de Klerk, new President calls for a reassessment of Apartheid.
-Cancels the Population Registration and Group Areas Acts
-1990 bans on ANC and PAC are
-Nelson Mandela released from prison.
-Civil War is possible as violence
-1994 first free and non-racial elections held. Mandela elected as President
When you read these sources, what was new information to you?
Your final research paper is to be argumentative (not a chronological history).
-In order for your paper to be argumentative you need to construct a thesis statement.
-A thesis statement tells the reader what your main argument will be and how you intend to support it.
(argument + road map = thesis statement)
-A clear thesis statement is critical to a good research paper. Without a clear argument the body of your paper will be a collection of ideas without a structure.
F.W. de Klerk
RI: Comparing 20th Century Inequality
The Confederacy will lose the Civil War leading to the establishment of the 13th Amendment to the Constitution- the abolition of slavery.
Thesis Workshop 1
RI: Comparing 20th Century Inequality
The period following the Civil War is referred to as the Reconstruction Period, but it is also the period establishing Jim Crow laws.
What were these laws?
RI: 20th Century Inequality
If you are new to writing a thesis statement a great technique to use is to employ a thesis formula.
-Thesis formulas are just like a math equation you just need to plug-in the correct information from your research and follow the formula in the body of your paper.
-A thesis formula is a great way to create a clear argument and "road map" to your paper.
Social unrest continues into the 1980s
-ANC and BC are at odds over the meaning of revolution
1984, the government considers changes over fear of social collapse
-grants limited representation to "indians and
coloureds," but the measure is halfhearted
and most remain marginalized.
1985- State of Emergency declared
-clamp down on protest, mass arrests, state-
sponsored killings. (Indemnity Law)
P.W. Botha
Jim Crow Laws: State and local ordinances designed to segregate white and non-white populations. How did they come into effect?
-War and Legislation settle the disputes between two minority white communities in South Africa. (British and Dutch)
-This population would seek to defend the privileged position they had created in first the Union and later the independent Republic.
1948 - The National Party, under D.F. Malan, are elected on the platform of Apartheid- the AfriKaans term for Separateness.
-Begin to enact policies and laws aimed at enshrining segregation policies.
-Remained in power until 1994.
1870s Post-Reconstruction removal of US military forces in the US South allowed for a return of southern white Democrats to power who enacted laws targeting freedmen emancipated via the 13th Amendment.
road map
Hate Crimes Legislation:
-The enactment of laws aimed at curbing violence based on forms of prejudice began shortly after the Civil War, however, federal protections have grown over time.
-Following the passage of the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act, states continued to amend their laws to protect all communities through Hate Crimes legislation.
-Hate Crimes are committed specifically for the targeting of a person based on their membership (or perceived membership) in a social group.
-The Federal Hate-Crime Law of 1969 only protected persons by race, color, and national origins if conducting a federally protected activity.
-1990 Hate Crime Statistics Act requires the FBI to tabulate and report annual hate crime statistics.
-Hate Crime statistics show that of the crimes which continue to persist are committed because of race(55%), Religion (17%), Sexual orientation (14%), ethnicity (14%).
-2009, Passage of the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act sought to curb this trend and removed other barriers for prosecuting hate crimes.
A) A, B, and C examples show X
"The examples of industrialization in the United States, Britain, and China,
in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries show that government regulations are foundational to stopping pollution that is harmful to people and the environment."
RI: Comparing 20th Century Inequality
RI: 20th Century Inequality
RI: Comparing 20th Century Inequality
1896- US Supreme court upholds Jim Crow laws in the Plessy v. Ferguson case - setting the principle of separate but equal.
Thesis Workshop 1
The all-white South Africa Parliament enacted laws to legalize and institutionalize the apartheid system.
1950 - The Population Registration Act: classified every South African by race.
1949/1950 - The Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act / Immorality Act banned interracial marriage or sex
1950 Group Areas Act: Cities and towns of South Africa were divided into segregated residential and business areas. Forced relocation of blacks from white neighborhoods.
1950 - Suppression of Communism Act defined opposition to the government as communism. It empowered the government to detain persons seeking to expand communist agendas.
1961- The Indemnity Act: Allowed police officers to commit acts of violence, torture, or kill in the pursuit of official duties.
Black Consciences movement emerges in the vacuum of anti-Apartheid movements
-Steve Biko, one of the iconic BC leader.
1970s, anti-Apartheid movements/protests continue.
-ANC operating outside of South Africa in Mozambique and Zambia.
South Africa Security continues to intensify pressure and repression.
-1976, Soweto, 15,000 schoolchildren protest on the poor condition of black schools. Police open fire on the protest.
-Sparks violent outbreaks, resulting in arrests and deaths
Voter Suppression:
- Taken different forms historically (poll taxes, literacy tests, gerrymandering)
-Jim Crow Era, voting suppression targeted the African-Americans and poor-whites.
-Contemporary Vote suppression includes removal of voter from registration rolls, closing polling locations, phone-jamming schemes.
-Gerrymandering: the redrawing of district maps in
favor of one political party over another.
-Seen as a use to disenfranchise votes who
demographically align with one party
or another.
B) X is a key part of Y because...
"Physical violence, sexism, and labor costs were key parts of human trafficking in the United States, Russia, and Southeast Asia in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries because they acted to disempower and intimidate victims.
Upholding segregation via Plessy v. Ferguson enshrined legal segregation in the United States until the Brown v. Board of Education ruling in 1954.
C) Although X was good, Y was not good because
"Although globalization benefits many people, poor people in the United States, China, and Mexico have tended to remain poor because they do not have the monetary, educational, or social resources to rise in a global economy."
RI: 20th Century Inequality
RI: Comparing 20th Century Inequality
Thesis Workshop 1
How does the US continue to proceed down a path of inequality despite the conclusion of the Civil War?
The deliberate migration of persons of European ancestry from urban areas to new suburban locations.
-Begins prominently in the 1950s and 1960s
-Exclusionary practices via covenants in neighrhoods
-Practice of blockbusting by real estate agents broke up urban neighborhoods and pushed white families to move to suburban homes
-The creation of an interstate highway system facilitate the movement of people
Leadership ANC are arrested, tried, and sentences to life in prison.
-Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in prison
D) Although on the surface it seems like X, a closer analysis reveals Y
"Although on the surface it appears that birth control in the United States and Europe in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries was simply a matter of limiting the number of children, a closer analysis reveals that there were also issues of women's empowerment, medical knowledge, and religious prohibitions."
Removal of Federal Troops in the South, allows for the resurgence of segregationist leaders to be elected and establish local ordinances to disenfranchise African Americans. (i.e. Jim Crow laws)
-Poll Taxes, literacy tests, comprehension
tests, voter removal
Grand aim of the Apartheid government was the movement of the black population not employed in mining industries, into self-governing republics/reserves.
-Divided along "tribal" identities
-Keep blacks at a distant from white population
-Create a form of racial purification in white areas
By the 1960s, reserves became autonomous "Homelands" or "Bantustans."
E) Although X and Y are similar in ... , they are different in ...
'"Although the British and US were similar in the rhetoric (the ideas and words) they used to justify imperialism in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, they were different in the scope of their colonial efforts, the engagement of the people at "home" in imperialism, and the outcomes of their colonizing efforts."
The deliberate discrimination through home lending.
-Roots pre-date the foundation of the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) in 1934
-Withheld mortgages to Black and Latino families
-Began the process of rapid urban decline
-Connected to White-Flight during the period of desegregation.
Robben Island
One of three prisons that
housed Mandela
-Now a World Heritage Site
Hiram Revels,
1st Black Senator in Congress 1870
Note: A consistent feature in all of these examples is the road map has at least 3 points of discussion.
Thesis Workshop 1
RI: Comparing 20th Century Inequality
In groups of no more than 4, construct a thesis statement using the formula provided on your worksheet.
Your thesis can be fictional or real - the point is to get comfortable using a thesis formula.
Sharpeville Massacre- March 21, 1960
What are driving factors to continue the segregated US?
In response to Apartheid policies, a coalition of African nationalist leaders formed campaigns to resist these changes.
African National Congress/Pan-Africanist Congress
3 Defining Moments
1954: Brown vs. Board of Education
1964: Passage of the Civil Rights Act
1965: Passage Voting Rights Act
Once you have written your thesis with a formula, underline the argument and number the parts of your road map.
International Condemnation
Banning of the ANC and PAC
Attempts to Sanction South African Government
Turn in your worksheet with all group member names on it for participation.
Culture: 2 divided cultures on the issue of race - separate and equal
-Segregationist (separate but equal): united
via the old south, seek to retain notion
of racial superiority, seek separation
through physical means (segregation
and then white flight), rise and
transformation of Ku Klux Klan
-Equal Rights (separate ≠ equal): seek to find resolution to racial segregation, want to build up those oppressed via slavery, self-enfranchisement (NAACP), movement towards protections for Civil Rights.
Does the passage of this legislation bring an end to the United State's issue with racial inequality?
Desegregation and Civil Rights only aided in providing legal remedies to discrimination. It did not end issue of racial inequality.
-Persistence of white-flight (in various forms), racism, and other forms of discrimination exists today.
Oliver Tambo
Walter Sisulu
Nelson Mandela
~250 anti-Apartheid demonstrators injured or killed.
RI: Comparing 20th Century Inequality
The Civil Rights Era 1960s
-Rise of non-violent protests, boycotts, sit-ins, strikes.
Selma - Montgomery March 1965