Eruption hematoma develops as a result of separation of the dental follicle which is around the crown of an erupting tooth which is inside the soft tissue overlying the alveolar bone.
It is soft, rounded, translucent and blue to purplish-brown swelling.
Age: below the age of 10.
Site: gingiva overlying first Permanent Molars and the Maxillary Incisors.
clinical features
histopathology and rediograph
It is difficult to distinguish the cystic space of eruption cyst why?
Surface oral epithelium.
Lamina propria infiltrated by inflammatory cell.
Roof of the cyst, shows a thin layer of non-keratinizing squamous epithelium.
The cyst develops as a result of separation of the dental follicle from around the crown of an erupting tooth that is within the soft tissues overlying the alveolar bone.
The eruption cysts do not require treatment and majority of them disappear on their own.Surgical intervention is required when they hurt, bleed, are infected, or esthetic problems arise
Normally the cyst ruptures spontaneously, thus permitting the tooth to erupt.[4] If this does not occur, simple excision of the roof of the cyst generally Exposing the crown and drain the fluid.
relation to general pathology
Relation To General Pathology
Hematoma is accumulation of blood enclosed within tissue and erption hematoma is a collection of blood outside of a blood vessel enclosed within soft tissue ‘gingiva’ .
So eruption hematoma is a good example of hematoma.
Eruption hematoma is a soft tissue It appears rounded ,translucent and bluish in color, it is common in children under the age of 10.
It is hard to distinguish in radiograph because the cyst and the tooth are directly in the soft tissue.
It doesn’t require treatment.
It is a good example of hematoma because it’s an enclosed accumulation of blood.
Oral and maxillofacial pathology (Saunders/Elsevier) 4th edition, 2015 by Neville, B. W.
,Damm, D. D. , Allen, C. M.
Nagaveni, N., Umashankara, K., Radhika, N. and Maj Satisha, T. (2017). Eruption cyst: A literature review and four case reports.
Preeti Dhawan, S. (2017). Eruption cysts: A series of two cases. [online] PubMed Central (PMC). Available at: [Accessed 11 Nov. 2017].