What knoledge do we integrate?
- Language
- History
- Speech Analisys
- Cinema History
- Image Theory
- Investigation Method
What Skills
do you need?
- Writing
- Synthesis
- Speaking
- Investigation
- Curiosity
- Sociability
- Debate
this is a Map of the Questions we'll be Answering today
What is it the function of a Social Communicator?
- Keep Society Inform.
- Show Reality in the most objective way possible.
- Transmit what Society is interested about.
- Guarantee the acces to information and freedom to expression.
- Keep Society united by reproducing that message through the Speech
What does it mean to communicate?
Marte Juana
It means to share, to make it common. It isn't limitated to inform something, it's about creating common ground in the sphere of knoladge
Where can a Social Communicator make it work?
Social Communication
- NewsPapers
- Radio
- Television
- Cinema
- Institutions (Public or Private)
- Magazines
- Internet (YouTube- Social Media-etc)
The Reason behind our Reality telling
Thanks for your Attention