Advantages and Disadvantags of LEDC and MEDC Cities
- Fewer tourism related jobs
- local income decline
- reduction in the number of tourist and visitors
- creates more traffic congestion and pollution (mainly air)
Disadvantages Of MEDC
Advanteges of MEDC:
- More economically developed
- enough money to prepare damages
- enough health care to look after injured
- access to clean running water and electictiy
- uses products to manufacture high valued goods
- can access modern technology
- improves tourist services
Advantages of MEDC
Disadvanteges of LEDC:
- housing found on the edge of the city
- profits go to foreign companies
- people have to live in poverty and slums
- less economicly developed
- poorer resources, education,employment and facilities
- not enough money to repair the damage and not enough health care
- Death rate is high due to poor healthrate
- housing usually doesn't have access to clean water
- can't afford modern technology
Disadvantages Of LEDC
Advanteges of LEDC:
- Produce lots of the worlds raw materials
- Benefit from alot of tourism
- foreign currencycan be invested in improving local education, health anf facilities
- toursim creates jobs for local people
- local infrascturcuture impoves facilities
- creates homes for people
Advantages Of LEDC