Oedipus the king family tree
By: Melissa Alarcon
King Lauis and Queen Jocasta of the Thebes
The parents of Oedipus
- Oedipus kills his father which at the time he doesnt not knows that king Lauis is his father
- Oedipus marries queen Jocasta, not knowing thats his mother
Oedipus and Jocasta have 4 kids
- Antigone
- Ismene
- Eteocles
- Polynices
- Eteocles and Polyneices kill eachother fighting for the throne after Oedipus died
- Antigone is engaged to Haemon
- The brother of Queen Jocasta
- Takes the throne after the death of oedipus' sons
- Married to Creon
- Kills herself when she hears about her son's suicide
- Son of Creon and Eurydice
- He kills himself when he finds out antigone is dead