Mrs. Representation.
The perception of women in society
By Jakayla M. Chapman
Urban Media
Rural Media
Origins of women
- Racism comes from the strive for normalcy. Imperialism in white- dominant, European countries.
- First originated in newspapers .
- Today, the media has regulations to try and make presentations of any race come from a non- discriminatory view point.
- However, this issue is still relevant in many stereotypes and other portrayals of race are still very backgrounds of such implications that are hurtful, distasteful, mildly ignorant and damaging as ever.
- For centuries women of color have fought for media exposure. Within gaining access to the media in film, radio, TV and the modeling world racism and prejudice views have subjected theses women in the guidelines of the media industry.
Various Identities of Women
Matriarch / Mammy Archetype
Subtle Racism and Oppressive Roles
The Jezebel, Sapphire &
Femme Fatale Feature
Matriarch/ Mammy Archetype
- African American women were often real-life caretakers of children, and they exhibited the qualities of a grossly overweight, large breasted women who are desexualized maternal and non threatening to white people.
- The advancement of black women in the movie industry has surpassed these common roles but in today’s society these roles are still portrayed in films such as Jumping the broom, The help, Django, as well as common childhood cartoons like “ Tom and Jerry”. Where often these illustrated animations would use black women to portray a roles of tentative house maids. By using their voice over two women (i.e. Lillian Randolph and Thea Vidale) have been ridiculed as “the help "none other than a character who owns property etc.
A Mother's role
- Even to this day, mammy depictions in film are common. However the advancement of black women in this entertainment industry are limited because the audience makes such generalizations based on what is shown in the media. For example, this depiction first began with the 1939 classic film “ Gone with the Wind” with actress Hattie McDaniel one of the first African American women to win best supporting actress. This movie itself shows that even in the rural eye of segregation women of color were still held to standard of being nothing less than a helpful “servant”.
Oppression on the Big Screen
- However, most of the popular black women films in the this industry are either mainstreamed TV productions or owned by black communities who are low budgeted with roles of secondary characters.
- In the mass marketing industry only certain are featured in theaters for leading roles related to black history month. (i.e. The color purple, Belle, The Loving Story Princess and the Frog or and other black featured documentary, musical).
- In most films the demand for women of color is high. But the roles itself degrades women by such films that enforce exclusions on minorities by type casting. For example black women are excluded by network narratives of black women in mainstream television.
- Some of which these films enforce white dominance by often giving the roles of help
to minorities.
- Films perpetuate stereotypes instead of educating.
The Jezebel
- Impure and Wicked
- These terms are often used in perpetuating over sexual desires when discussing black women in media. These false perceptions of women in the social media industry degrades black women daily as exotic creatures that are more promiscuous than any other women.
- Constantly objecting women in the media as property, dominating these individuals as the media continues to exploit women by using them as consumer incentive.
- For example a series of popular shows like Scandal, The Quad both have women who play leading roles in the show but are still portrayed as home wreckers, mistress and other negative connotations concerning black women in media.
Exotic Creature
- For example black women who have main roles in the entertainment industry are portrayed as bitches, slut, whores, easy and any other degrading terms.
Femme Fatale Feature
- The attractive and seductive woman, who will ultimately bring disaster to a man who becomes involved with her.
- This role and perception is often given to black women by ostracizing their bodies giving roles that ridicule them to dress in skimpy clothing and use their body to lure men to the demise in divide in conquer of the vivacious killer.
This role has also adopted in the music industry, when most of their songs discuss the same topic of being a women of the night to seduce / subject to a man. In vice versa,black men in the music industry have used the music industry of a platform to degrade women due to heart break.
Fatale Attraction Playlist
- Anaconda-Nicki Minaj
- Partition- Beyonce
- Freak Like Me-Adina Howard
- Milkshake-Kelis
- Objectification and over sexualizing women have been used as a trend rather than seen as an issue in the media. For example , the movies Coffy and Foxy Brown as so vaguely known for such sexual personas of what is seen as a prostitute, hussy , hooker and jade. Although these women have leading roles in these movies they are still depicted as a lessor than any other superior roles.
Fatale Attraction Subjected by Men
Poison- Bell Biv Devoe
Blame Game- Kanye West
No Role Models -J.Cole
- The Loud Women is a repeated role that often portrays black women in a series of shows like Empire,Girlfriends, Living Single, The Parkers and Blackish where each group of friends and or family members have a loud, irrational elder and or best friend (i.e Cookie Lyon, Nikki Parker, Max Shaw and Ruby Johnson).
- Often times these roles are overlooked and most actresses who play these roles are limited to such ignorant and obscene roles due to common popularity in the media. Which results to actress being placed in barriers because of such roles and result to being passed up for leading roles in motion pictures, theatrical performances and ext.
- The Loud mouth aspect is also used in cartoons like Family guy where women of color are seen as loud, ignorant and ghetto.
Loud. It started with black women being more outspoken- they could berate the people they worked for ( as a way for authors to show they weren’t oppressed).
She's is vivacious. A good leader, sexually liberated, and she can make great comebacks. While there are positive aspects, this trope is a lazy portrayal of black women and it diminishes her multifaceted-ness/ This trope can also be combined with black best friend.
Black Friend
- The black friend role is played in various movies, television show sitcoms for adding diversity to the average group of friends to make it more modern.
"It's okay my friend is Black".
- Lily, Andy's best friend in the movie The Devil Wears Prada.
- Lynette from the film version of The Nanny Diaries.
- Gina, Honey's best friend in Honey.
- Ella's Asian Best Friend in Ella Enchanted. The character is played by Parminder Nagra (of E.R. fame), which makes her painfully obvious sidelining all the more so.
- In the movie of Matilda, her best friend, Lavender, is black. She gets no in-depth characterization or growth, but then, neither do any of the other characters outside of Matilda's immediate family at least if you count Miss Honey as her family, since she did adopt Matilda at the end of the movie.
- This role has been adopted in society to promote intersectionality but often these roles are taken out of context and leaves those black actresses and men isolated due to their pigmentation than their intellectual, emotional and mental standpoints.
- Boy Meets World had two at different points in the show's run: Angela Moore for Topanga Lawrence and Eli Williams for Jonathan Turner.
- However, in Angela's case, her primary role was as Shawn's girlfriend and her friendship with Topanga grew out of her relationship with Shawn.
Overview Perception of Women
The perception of women in society made by men has resulted in various forms from the matriarch to the evil winch of heartache. These labels and names have triggered emotions of women both positive and negative that has been overbearing to taking the role of dominant provider to an enabler due to the relationship a mother has with their child. This image has taken women by storm because men often blame women for their short comings that to rather answer and take responsibility for their mishaps and inflict them on women who wish them well in every endeavor but are overlooked for being too time invested to not giving to much attention. Some men argue that women are their oppressor but in all honesty their oppressor is society in the expense of man's freedom (i.e a women's freedom).
Evolution of
Is society to blame for the oppression of black women? The question that often lingers today, I believe this oppressive state is split evenly along the lines of men,society and women because we often revert to old times when it comes to defining the purpose of what a women role should be and what it should not be. Isolating the thought of women being more than a just a hole to fill for baring children. Ideally I believe women are capable of preforming any job and or task. However, that should not be determined by their sex if they are equipped and or qualified to do that job at hand. So instead of putting barriers on the ability of women and their role society should promote more than oppressive roles that limit the voice of women and inflicting such thoughts upon other women to settle than to strive and achieve more.
Women. The thought of women has varied from various roles but as time progress women are more open to changing the narrative of just being a matriarch, and or the perception of a evil wench. Instead women are taking the world by storm from continuing to make their presence known as mainstream artist, to providing /uplifting their youths to go outside their means for a greater purpose other than having a sex appeal. The role and perception of women is what they make it and if they choose to be extraordinary by choice it is their decision to stir the pot" and educate their youths and themselves to continue to live up the the expectations of their ancestors than to be ridiculed as such and live in a fixated society where women aren't important,and intellectually incline.