Incident on the USS Whitney
Raphaela Demel, Isabel Dietmannsperger, Chris Gasche, Lukas Ginner, Michael Götz
The Crew
27-years navi member at a promotion to admiral
Member of the supply demand
The Problem
- Captain Gramm and Lt. Cdr. Fuller took merchandise article for sale from the shop of the USS Whitney and use them as give-aways
- this creates a lot of work for Ensign Beck in the accounting department because he had to figure out which article were sold and which were used as give-aways
- Beck went to Lt. Wilson and Lt. Cathy Smith with the itimized list but they send them to the Suppo to sign and also to Captain Gramm
- Beck went to Filler with the sheet but he allowed him to ignore the hierachy and go directly to the Captain
- Gramm signed and wrote a sarcastic note on the sheet
- after reading this note, Filler was getting angry and jelling at Beck for 10 minutes
Problem 1
- Captain Gramm and Lt. Fuller took merchandise articles from the shop for business trips
-> set a limit
Problem 2
- Notes are incomplete and unclear
-> create a template
Problem 2
Problem 3
- Lt. Fuller has incivility and defensive communication issues
-> provide a communication training
Problem 4
- Lt. Fuller and Captain Gramm failed to listen to Becks problems
-> Training for "right listening"
Problem 5
- Fuller wrote a sarcastic note
-> provide training for right leadership
Problem 5
Problem 6
- Fuller allowed Beck to ignore the hierarchy
->building a hierarchy that is easy to understand
Problem 6
Problem 7
- type of conflict is personal focused
-> provide trainings
Problem 7
- Improve the flow of information within the company and the chain of command
- Check the satisfaction of your employees - are they satisfied with the information they get and how they get it by their superiors
- Following these main guidelines will raise the employees satisfaction. This will lead to better results for the company
- It is important to create a leading philosophy that fits to your company and employees
- The strict vertical military organization is not useful in daily business live for a company
- Create an organization structure that is the most effective one to reach your business objectives