The Outsiders Character Map
by: S.E.Hinton
Block 1
Aryan Parikh
November 29 2022
Greasers (2-4)
- East Side (2)
- Poor (3)
- Steal things; keep their doings to themselves (3)
- Dress in blue jeans + T-shirts (3)
- Grew up in a tight knit neighborhood (3)
- Go Dingo and Jay’s dinner to hang out (19)
- Work together as family and stick up for each other (29)
- Drive souped up cars (3)
Socs (2-4)
- West Side (2)
- Rich (2)
- Fight (jump) people for fun (3)
- Show up on papers but become an asset later in society (3)
- Wear kaki slacks as well as madras shirts (36)
- Are quick in action (5)
- “Social Clubs” (2)
- Go to The Way Out and to Rusty’s (19)
Not like the socs, who jump greacers and wreck houses and throw beer blasts for kicks,"
Pony Boy
- 14 years old (2)
- “light-brown, almost-red hair and greenish-gray eyes… long hair” (1).
- Digs in movies and books more than any other grease (2)
- Book smart, “I make good grades and have a high IQ and everything,” (4).
- Loves soda pop more than anyone else (2)
- Sometimes hates Steve Randal (14)
- Shy, “I'm usually pretty quiet around people, even the gang” (12)
- He is the narrator of the book.
- The main reason why he is called pony boy is becasue of his long light brownish read hair.
- Oldest brother; Darry
- Older brother; Sodapop
- 20 years old (2)
- Darry is six-feet-two, and broad shouldered and muscular.(6)
- Is hardworking since he works for such a long time (2-16)
- Oldest brother (2)
- Darry is shown to “holler” at Pony a lot (2).
- Hard, firm, rough + rarely smiling (2)
- Grew up too fast (a lack of parental figures 3) (2)
- “Darry isn’t every sorry for anything he does” (6)
- He is the fatther figure of Ponyboy due to their parents dieing at a young age in an auto wreck. (3)
- “second oldest brother…sixteen-going-on-seventeen…(2)
- “He is always happy-go-lucky and grinning…(2)
- “He's not as tall as Darry, and he’s a little slimmer, but he had a finely drawn sensitive face” (8)
- High school drop-out (13)
- Sticks up for Ponyboy when Darry picks/teases him (8-9)
- He hopes to marry Sandy his current girlfriend one day.
- "Soda's is movie star kind-of handsome" (7)
Dally (Dallas) (Hinton 11)
- Went to jail at the age of 10 (10)
- Cares most about Johnny (24)
- ”He had an elfish face” (10)
- “he was tougher than the rest of us --tougher, colder, meaner.”(11)
- ”His eyes were blue-blazing ice, cold with a hatred of the whole world.”(10)
- Age 17
- "The shade of difference that separates a greaser from a hood wasn't present in him" (10-11)
- He dated sylivia several times.
- Johnny is like his pet in the sence that he portects Johnny.
Dally (Dallas)
- Was 16 years old when got jumped by the Socs (4)
- Takes a lot for him to cry (12)
- The gang’s and Dally’s pet (23)
- Hardly ever talks to girls (24)
- ”He has a nervous suspicious look in his eyes…” (11)
- ”Johnny worshiped the grounded Dallas walked on.”(25)
- ”He was the youngest, smaller than the rest, with a slight build…” (11)
- He is 18 years old.
- He has issues at home "Johnny's father was always beating him ujp and was a drunk withle his mother was a selfish slob who always ignored him except when she was halked off at something." (12-13)
Steve Randle
- He is a important 17 year old Greacer with a girl frind named Evie (14).
- ”seventeen, tall and lean, with thick greasy hair” (9)
- He is cocky, smart, and Soda’s best buddy since grade school (9)
- Works at the same gas station as Soda (14)
- Isn’t liked by Pony (14)
- Is an intellectual when working with cars (9)
- Ponyboy says "he could lift a hubcap quickly and more quietly thank any one else in the neiborhood, but he also knew cars upside down and could dirve anything on wheels."
Steve Randle
Two-Bit (Keith)
- 18 year old; "Two bit was the oldest of the gang." (10)
- Famous for shoplifting (10)
- Known for his black-handled switchblade (10)
- Good at voice imitations (27)
- “He had gray eyes and wide grin, and he couldn’t stop making funny remarks...”(9-10)
- “Two Bit Mathew was the oldest of the gang and the wisecracker of the bunch.” (9)
- Was called Two Bit becasue he had to get his "Two Bits" in any conversation.
Two-Bit (Keith)
- ”[She] had short dark hair…”(21)
- Cute + sweet to others (25)
- Isn’t bothered by people (30)
- “...dressed sharp and really good looking” (21)
- ”She was a little smaller than Cherry…”(25)
- 16-17 years old (21)
- Resourceful (30)
- Shorter than Cherry
- She shares a sence of humor with Two Bit (26-30) when they say "Who's this , your great-autns?" "great-grand mothers, twice revoved," (26)
Cherry (Sherri Valance)
- Has long red hair (21)
- Feisty “‘You’d better leave us alone,’the redhead said in a biting voice, ‘or I’ll call the cops.’”(22)
- Short-tempered and Classy (21-25)
- Cheerleader “[Ponyboy] had seen her before; she was a cheerleader at [their] school.”(21)
- Stubborn and principled “Cherry had said she wouldn’t drink Dally’s coke if she was starving, and she meant it,” (30)
- Goodlooking (21)
- 16-17 years old (21)
Cherry (Sherri Valance)