TDTR Data Process
- Basically this just sets up the ability to analyze different things
- Each section starts with setting variables, then asks for the config file, then ask for data files
- Then they use a fitting file to fit the data for whatever method it is
- Then it saves all the files
- That's about it in terms of set up
6. Phonon-Electron Coupling Factor
This mode fits the data to the model
Fits the data to multiple frequencies
- Calculates data from the theoretical model
- Laser frequency (80Mhz specified)
- Use k to be 3.27 for accumulation
- Kmax_n = 5000 -> considered the maximum accumulation number
- HeatTransferModel_1
- Real imaginary part
- Z = output of the lockin
- swit_fun
a. dealRawData
a.1. switFunc
Crazy it gets a label for different parameters
- Calculates data from the theoretical model
- Laser frequency (80Mhz specified)
- Use k to be 3.27 for accumulation
- Kmax_n = 5000 -> considered the maximum accumulation number
- HeatTransferModel_1
- Real imaginary part
- Z = output of the lockin
- swit_fun
- Feser Videos
- Main Calulations for the heat transfer model
- Fourier Transform to Hankel Transform
- Calculates data from the theoretical model
- Laser frequency (80Mhz specified)
- Use k to be 3.27 for accumulation
- Kmax_n = 5000 -> considered the maximum accumulation number
- HeatTransferModel_1
- Real imaginary part
- Z = output of the lockin
- swit_fun
- Feser Videos
- Main Calulations for the heat transfer model
- Fourier Transform to Hankel Transform
- dealRawData
- Changes the data from 4 inputs to 2
- Value_0 = config.fit_para( :, 3)’
- All rows 3rd column and transposed
- Switch cases for different indexes of column 2
- Evaluate if they are equal
- Lower bound lb = all rows 4th column / value_0
- Upper bound ub = all rows 5th column/ value_0
- Costfunction_assist
- @ beta defines a variable for the function
- Then gaoptimset - with no input or output arguments displays a complete list of options with their valid values
- Beta = ga finds minimum
- Loss = func(beta)
- Exports results
- Convert time to picoseconds
- Converting values to correct units
- Costfunction_EP_assit.m
- Costfunction_EP
- Sum of squares between theory and data
- Display results
b. Costfunction_assist
Prep data for cost function
b.1. Costfunction
Sum of squares of differences between theory and data
Statistical measure of std
b.i. Theory Data
b.a. HeatTransfer 1
b.b. switFunc
- Switches function
- Based off case (r, p, a, x, amp)
- Ratio = absolute val (-x/y)
- P = arctan(y/x) *180pi - converts to radians
- X = X Temp/ max temp
- Amp = amplitude / maximum amplitude
- Feser Videos
- Main Calulations for the heat transfer model
- Fourier Transform to Hankel Transform
- Switches function
- Based off case (r, p, a, x, amp)
- Ratio = absolute val (-x/y)
- P = arctan(y/x) *180pi - converts to radians
- X = X Temp/ max temp
- Amp = amplitude / maximum amplitude
- Switches function
- Based off case (r, p, a, x, amp)
- Ratio = absolute val (-x/y)
- P = arctan(y/x) *180pi - converts to radians
- X = X Temp/ max temp
- Amp = amplitude / maximum amplitude
- Separates and converts raw data into tau_raw in (ns) , X_raw, Y_raw
- Finds the zero point mode of time
- This is when dx or X is maximum is zero
- Shift the phase for Y to have minimum skip at zero
- Then use SetPhaseRatio
- Apply the phase shift to the raw data
- Set data to be in the range of minimum to maximum
b. CostFunction_EP_assist
c. CostfunctionTwoFreq_assist
Calculate the cost function for a variable beta
Use costFunction_ assist an a loop to sum the cost function
c.1. Costfunction_assist
c.i. Costfunction
c.a. TheoryData
c.1.1. HeatTransfer1
- Calculates data from the theoretical model
- Laser frequency (80Mhz specified)
- Use k to be 3.27 for accumulation
- Kmax_n = 5000 -> considered the maximum accumulation number
- HeatTransferModel_1
- Real imaginary part
- Z = output of the lockin
- swit_fun
- Switches function
- Based off case (r, p, a, x, amp)
- Ratio = absolute val (-x/y)
- P = arctan(y/x) *180pi - converts to radians
- X = X Temp/ max temp
- Amp = amplitude / maximum amplitude
- Feser Videos
- Main Calulations for the heat transfer model
- Fourier Transform to Hankel Transform
d. TheoryFun_assist
Preps Data for theoryData
d.1. TheoryData
d.i. HeatTransferModel
d.ii. switFunc
- Switches function
- Based off case (r, p, a, x, amp)
- Ratio = absolute val (-x/y)
- P = arctan(y/x) *180pi - converts to radians
- X = X Temp/ max temp
- Amp = amplitude / maximum amplitude