The History of Classification
- Aristotle's limited classification system, was used for nearly 2,000 years until it was replaced in the 1700's by Carulos Linnaeus
- Aristotle's way of classifying animals was based on there traits.
- Aristotle classified plants and animals
- Aristotle purposed the two kingdom chart that includes plants and animals
- Aristotle was one of the first scientists to organize living things.
- Aristotle (384-322 BC) Studied at Plato's academy in Athens for about 20 years
His model "Limited Classification System"
John Ray
- John ray also classified animals
- he separated them into two main groups red blood and no red blood
- he then broke it down to hard and soft bodies.
- From there to shells and no shells
- John Ray was a man that was fasinated with plants and animals
- The method he used to classify plant was called"Methodus plantarum nova"
- His method had three groups cryptograms( Plants that reproduced by spores), Monocatyledoms( plantswhos seeds have one embyonic leave), Dicotyledons(Plants whos seeds have two embryonic leaves
- The ray society was established in 1844 in his honer
- He went to trinity College for about 15 years and he studied anatomical and chemical studies
- Carulos Linnaeus classified plants, animals and shells
- His model of classification is called "Systema Naturae"
- Linnaeus classified the 2 kingdom into 6 smaller groups which are, Phylum, class, order, family, genus and species
- As a child Linnaeus was more interested in knowing plant names than in school.
- Linnaeus lived from 23 may 1707- 10 January 1778
Robert Whittaker
- Robert Whittaker sugusted the 5 kingdom classification of Animolia,Plantae, Fungi,protista and monera
- He called his model Taxonomic classification
- He got a PHD at the university of Illinois
- He classified organism's by there Nutritients and absorption of food
Step 2
Taxonomic classification
Carl Woese
- He studied and classified Archea,Bacteria and eucarya.
- He studied Taxonomy for about 12 Years
- He recieved a PhD in 1953
- He classiied organisms into three main groups archea, Bacteria and Eucarya
- When Carl Woese developed the modern system of classification, he broke the bacteria kingdom into two kingdoms, Bacteria and Archaea.
- His chart is called the three domain system.
By:Jarilyn Pelayo Montufar