Team of knowledgeable and trained evaluators will evaluate
Children who are suspected of having a disability
Using evaluations with a specific goal for the child’s future success in education and future instruction
Evaluation in suspected areas of disability
Appropriate Evaluation
permission is needed for evaluations and for services
have the right to an outside evaluation if they disagree with the original evaluation
Appropriate Evaluation
Individualized Education Plan (IEP)
Prinicple 3
Ensure the child receives free appropriate public education
Written by an IEP team, using the evaluations done to meet the “child’s unique educational needs”
IEP includes:
Present level of education performance
Annual goals and benchmarking objectives
goals that can be measured
Services and supplementary aids to be received
Detailed explanation of instances where a student is not participating in the general classroom and why
IEP is also required to include information regarding consistent reporting on student progress as well as “transition” to adult life
IEP account for the planning concerns of the parents and child, the strengths of a particular child, and the specific “academic, developmental, and functional needs” of the child.
Least Restrictive Environment
Prinicple 4
IEP team determines the most least restrictive environment to integrate children with a disability in the mainstream classroom to the maximum extent, with appropriate supports
Classroom modifications
Supplemental aids and services
Alternative instructional methods
If the mainstream classroom in unsuited to help a child succeed, then another education setting is to be considered
Least Restrictive Environment
Justification is required for placement in another classroom outside the mainstream classroom
Accomadations to be made for extracurricular activities, school field trips, and other
Prinicple 5
Parent Participation
Parent Participation
The IDEA has a special provision which states that parents are entitled and equal rights participation:
in the process of IEP and supports
to be notified of evaluations
education placement
transition planning
Procedural Safeguards
Prinicple 6
Procedural Safeguards
Protects the rights of the children and their parents
Safeguards protect parental access to information pertaining to placement and transition planning
Procedures are put in place to resolve disagreements between parents and schools regarding placement of a student
Parents are given rights to all information pertaining their child, receive notice of child’s meetings (evaluation, placement, IEP, or identification)
Saleh, M. Your Child's Rights: 6 Prinicples of IDEA. Smart Kids with Learning Disabilities. Retrieved from
Six Prinicples of IDEA: The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. (2013). Ask Resource Center: Access for Special Kids. Retrieved from