The Risks of Manufacturing and Applying Artificial Intelligence
Ariel Radinovic
Three Reasons
1. The Ability to Learn
2. The Wrong Hands
3. Achieving a Goal No Matter What the Cost
Three Reasons
The Ability to Learn
- Machine Learning-huge advancement in AI
- Robots can make own desicions
- No human command once learned
- Imitates 80% of brain, used for thinking
Reason 1
- Research stated by MIT Technology Review
The Wrong Hands
- Technology like this is not uncommon
- Can be used as desctructive weapons
- Countries like North Korea and terrorists
Reason 2
- Creating machines more intelligent than humans
- AI seen as a global threat
- Organizations and Universities like Oxford, Yale
Achieving a Goal No Matter What the Cost
- Robots given commands by humans
- Expected and programmed to follow through
- Can be strong and smart enough
- Robots can disobey 100% of commands
Reason 3
- Will try to protect themselves
- (
Who is Elon Musk?
- Elon Musk - explorer, engineer, inventor
- Founded Tesla Motors and SpaceX
- Highly respected scientist
- Known to be a genius
YouTube Clip
YouTube Clip
- Musk claims AI is the biggest threat to civilization today.
He claims...
Additional Topics
1. Job Loss
2. Promoting Laziness
3. Another Perspective
Additional Information
Job Loss
- Robots predicted to take jobs away
- Computer/social related jobs at risk
Job Loss
Promoting Laziness
- Humans already depend greatly on technology
- Life without it seems almost unimaginable
- Americans check phones 80 times per day
- Get used to robots doing work
- Slowly lose independence and motivation
Another Perspective
Another Perspective
- Some claim robots programmed against hatred
- They naturally love people
- However, AI can surpass human intelligence
- Can learn to think for themselves
Final Thought
Scientific genius Stephen Hawking once said...
"AI could spell the end of the human race."
Is Artificial Intelligence really worth the risk?