Middle Eastern Conflict Timeline
Sykes Picot Agreement
This agreement split Israel and the Middle East into separate powers
International Zone
This zone was under rule by all nations heavily backed by the Jewish population
The New Zones
Red Zone
This zone was under full power of the British
British Zones
This zone was under influence by the British but not full control
Blue Zone
This zone was under full control of the French government
French Zones
This zone is heavily influenced by the French but not under full control
Balfour Declaration
A British Foreign Secretary who wanted a Jewish homeland. The homeland was given as sympathy for all of the wrong doings to the Jews in the past.
UN Partition Plan
1/3 of the country of Palestine has conformed to Judaism and this caused lots of violence and terror acts
Israel Official
The US joined the UN changing Palestine into Israel which made the Jewish people very happy
May 14th 1948
Instant War
The day after Israel became official 5 Arab armies attacked but the Jewish defense was too strong to overcome.
May 15th to June 1948
Palestinian Liberation Organization
This organization was formed with one goal, to take back their home country.
The War Continued
The war continues on for the coming decades as Jordan and Egypt try to take control of the country but continue to fail.
The 6 Day War
As a last stitch effort to take over Israel, Jordan and Egypt surrounded the country with a mass attack that still somehow wasn't enough for the Jewish defenses.
Yom Kippur War
Syria and Egypt joined forces on this major Jewish holiday trying to catch them off guard but this still wasn't enough to take any control.
Camp David Peace Accords
Egypt, Jordan, and Israel signed a peace treaty ending the decades of war and to stop the mass deaths.
The Two State Plan
Palestinian people offered to turn Israel into two states for both of the countries but this was soon rejected.