Censorship and Privacy (Tik Tok)
Mikyra Cozart
The issue
What is the issue with their censorship and privacy?
Tik Tok is a video-sharing app that enables users to generate and share 15-second videos on any topic.
Privacy and Censorship
There is a large demographic of children on TikTok, and they have made it easy for child predators to privately message, groom and sexually abuse anyone they want.
TikTok has a been known to participate in some unethical censorship,where they suppress the content of people appearing to be “ugly, overweight, disabled or poor.”
The statistics of Tik Tok in the US.
The Statistics
In the US Tik Tok has more than 130 million active users and downloads.
Users open Tik Tok about 8 time a day, and 83% of down-loaders post on the app.
Gen Z, which is the largest generation are 60% of users
60% are females and 40% are males.
Ethical issue
An ethical issue of Tik Tok is that it has a tendency of on censoring voices that they don't agree with.
A 17-year-old student-activist in New Jersey, was suspended from TikTok after posting videos criticizing China’s mistreatment of Muslim minorities.
Tik tok needs to update the age range from 13 to at least 16 to post and watch the content on the app. There is also a need of correct and fair censorship .
My Opinion
I would like to know how does Tik Tok deems video or an Account not fit to be viewed, what are the systems of going through these videos and users?
Future Questions