Psychological Warfare During WWII
By: Kyrie, Roger and Angel
How did psychological warfare influence the WWII, what are some examples of it?
It is to say that wining every battel of hundreds of wars is not as nice as defeating enemy without combating.
“...[that] to win a hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the supreme excellence.” (Tao)
Leaflet Raids
- 1939 September
- England air force to German
- The first time: September, 3rd or 4th
- Totally 7 times in September
- In order to reduce enemy morale through propaganda ( "Bomber Command" )
Leaflet Raids
Wood For Wood
Wood For Wood
- Germans built fake airfields
- Runways, buildings, fake wodden planes
- Dropping painted wooden bombs
- Peter Haas ( Brett Holman)
- Near Amsterdam (William L. Shirer)
In conclusion...
- Used by many military leaders
- Convenient way
- Leader's mind set
- Less killings and bloods
Work Cited
- Bomber Command. “BOMBER COMMAND - White Bombs: THE LEAFLET RAIDS.” PsyWar.Org, 28 Feb. 2018, 2 Jan. 2019
- Clow, Ryan. “Common Menu Bar Links.” Military History, Government of Canada, National Defence, Canadian Defence Academy, 2 Jan. 2019
- General Tao Hanzhang, Sun Tzu’s Art of War: The Modern Chinese Interpretation (New York: Sterling Publishing, 1987), pp.13-15. 2 Jan. 2019
- Holman, Brett. “The Wooden Bombs Return.” Airminded, 21 Jan. 2012,
- Mikkelson, David. “FACT CHECK: Wooden Bomb.”,
- William L. Shirer’s book, Berlin Diary: The Journal of a Foreign Correspondent 1934-1941, 27 November. 1940, 2 Jan. 2019
- “Wood For Wood.” Manufactured Victory > Vintage Wings of Canada,
Thank You All For Watching!