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English Book Report

"The Power Of One" "Refugees" "Shrek"

'Nobody can do anything without someone judging them'

My Phrase

The meaning behind my phrase is that it takes a strong mind to be confident and feel good even when being judged. And if you begin to be more confident in what you are doing the people who are judgeing you will realise they are just un happy. But even if some realise that there will always be someone else still judging you.


My phrase relates to my texts because at some point they all felt like they were being judged because of what they were doing. And it made them all upset and made them feel different when really they were just as equal as everyone who was considered 'normal'.

How it relates to my texts

- 'The Power Of One' PK got judged by attending an Afrikans school when he was english. Got judged for wanting peace. And got judged for wanting to box.

- 'Refugees' they get judged for wanting freedom and peace. Judged for trying to escae their home countries to seek shelter and hapiness.

- 'Shrek' judged for wanting to be left alone. Judged because he loves a human. Judged for being an ogre. Judged for wanting his home back from Lord F.arquad

How it relates to them

The Power Of One

"The Power Of One" is about an english boy living in south africa who gets bullied at an Afrikans boarding school because they are not english and he is.

Power Of One

The Power Of One relates to my phrase because he was bullied really badly because he went to an Afrikans school an he was english. That made him a very easy target for bullies. Also he got made fun of for wanting to box an told he can't do it. But once he learnt he became really good and won lot's of boxing competitions.

How it relates to my phrase

The world is definitely better than it was in the movie and book. I feel like there is still some discrimination nowadays. It makes me sad to know that the discrimination is still quite a common thing in some countries. I learnt a lot from this movie like how scary the world was back then and how it was so much different then now. This movie tells me how easy it is to make a difference in someone's life, but how hard it is to make a difference in the world. PK tried so hard to make a good change in the world and he impacted so many people's lives. This movie especially told me how you can change for the better and if you change for the better you can change the world.

Wider world


Refugees is a poem about what refugees go through and it is really sad to read. Reading it from top to bottom is upsetting and sad, but reading it from bottom to top is more positive and happy. This poem adresses issues that refugees go through on a daily just because they weren't born in that country.


How it relates to my phrase

How it relates to my phrase

Refugees relates to my phrase because they are judged for trying to find peace and hapiness. They get judged for having problems in their country and not feeling safe enough anywhere because no one allows them to come into the country. Example of this statement: :"They cannot, share our food, share our homes, share our countries".

This part shows that they judge refugees for whatever they do because they are considered '"cut-throats and theives" they are human like the rest of us.

Wider world

Bottom to Top

Top to Bottom

Wider world

I think that this poem is more positive than the top to bottom because it is sending a different message than the other one. Definitely sending a better message. This way of reading it shows how there is some good in the world amongst the evil. But it is sad to think about how there is still a whole heap of discrimination going on in this world. The fact that this poem was made is really sad. But reading it from bottom to top makes it sound a little bit better. I hope that the future generations will stop discrimination and see refugees as people who are just like them. Because if that doesn’t happen this world is doomed. This poem is very good as it is more happy and positive and makes me smile. I pray that one day this poem will become real and everyone will become more accepting of others and stop being selfish

I think that this poem really shows the problems in the world and how cruel people can be towards others. I liked this poem, I thought it was a very good poem because it really opened my eyes to current problems. It’s very upsetting how people get discriminated against because of their race/religion. To be honest I wouldn’t like it very much if someone wouldn’t let me find peace and live a happy life. Sometimes people need to open their eyes and stop seeing people by what race or religion they are ,and start seeing them by who they are on the inside. Because it is what's on the inside that matters. Even though someone wasn’t born in the country doesn’t mean they cannot seek happiness in that country. They should be allowed to share food, share their homes, and most importantly share their countries.


This movie is about an ogre who lives on his own in a swamp. He likes being alone and living his life by himself. Lots of humans hate ogres and think they are ugly, gross, and dangerous. And he may come off as dangerous and ugly he is actually very nice. He gets made fun of and disciminated because he is an ogre.


Shrek relates to my phrase because he was constantly getting judged on things he did on a daily. Humans thought he was evil, mean, and ugly. When in reality he was none of those things but no one would look at him for what he truly was. Instead they would look at him by what he does during the day and night. He got judged for falling in love with a human, he got judged for trying to get his home back, he was judged for everything he did.

How It Relates To My Phrase

Shrek taught me to limit who I trust with certain things and to live in the moment. Shrek didn't let what other people thought of him stop him from doing what he loved. He is a very strong person but no one would see past that which is very sad to me. This movie made me think about the people who deal with this on a daily and can't do anything to stop it. I learnt not to judge someone based off what others say and not judge them by what they do or look like. I feel like they didn't guve him a chance to get to know him.

Wider World

All of my texts tell me that the world is slowly re gaining its equality for everyone. In The Power Of One they discriminated against black people and the world was corrupted. In refugees they get judged and dicriminated against for trying to get into another country. In Shrek he got judged and discrimnated against because he wasn't a human like everything else and did diffrent things then what they did. It is sad to know that people do go through this still to this day. Things like racism are very common and are definitly not ok. But these texts/movies do have some positives. Like in The Power Of One, PK had lots of new friends he was learning new things from. In Refugees reading from bottom to top was really nice and positive. In Shrek he makes new friends and finds love even though he is diffrent. Which shows there are still some kind hearted people out there.

Wider World

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