Communications Merit Badge
What is communication and how do we communicate?
How we communicate
- Verbally (face-to-face, phone, video)
- Non-verbally
- Body language
- Written (text, email, letter)
- Images / Icons
- Email
- Text
- Letter
- Face-to-Face
What type of communication is appropriate?
- Be present
- Pay attention
- Watch your body language
- Make eye contact
- Repeat the information back to the speaker
- Summarize the information
- Try not to interrupt
How can we be good listeners?
Create a sales pitch
Sales pitch
- Pick a product, service, or concept in which you have confidence
- Build a sales plan based on good points
- Deliver a persuasive pitch
Elements of a Good Speech
Prepare a 5-minute speech
- Know your main point
- Opener/Anecdote
- Review what you're going to say, say it, then tell them what they just heard
- Body language / nerves
- Practice! Practice! Practice!
Conduct an Interview
- What are you proud of?
- What influenced who you are today?
- What is a challenge that you've overcome?
- What is a goal that you've set for yourself?
How to make an introduction
- Greet the audience (introduce yourself)
- Compliment the interviewee
- Mention something special about them
- What will the audience learn
- Introduce the speaker