Social And Religious Causes
By: Savion, Iftikar, Aarush, and Vishnu.
- The reforms introduced by the British alarmed the orthodox Indians.
- Governor General Lord William Bentinck declared Sati as an illegal practice in 1829.
- To improve the condition of women, they also introduced a law regarding widow remarriage.
- Women were even encouraged to take up western learning.
Discrimintion on the basis of religion
- The British practised the policy of racial discrimination against the Indians.
- Indian people were given subordinate positions in all the services.
- Besides, Indians could not travel in first class coaches in a train. All these unjust practices caused discontent among the people.
- The British government supported Christian missionaries in India and even allowed them to own property.
- The Christian missionaries were actively involved in converting the people
- This was made easier after the passing of a legislation in 1850. As per this legislation, a convert could inherit ancestral property.
- At the same time, the British taxed the land belonging to temples and mosques. This hurt the religious sentiments of the people.
- The British promoted western education and replaced English as the official language.
- While Persian was sidelined. As a result, many Muslims and Hindus lost their jobs.