Each of your muscles is made of many cells or muscle fibres
They are either
Cardiac muscle
Cardiac Muscle
Found only in the heart
We cannot control when it contracts or relaxes
It contracts and relaxes throughout continuosly thoughout our lives
It provides the pumping action that circulates blood around the body
It responds to internal elctrical impulses and contracts, causing the heart to beat
This drives blood around the body delivering O2 and removing waste products
Involuntary Muscle
Involuntary Muscle
Found through the middle layer of blood vessels & digestive system
Also known as smooth muscle
Operates without our control
It has many roles including:
digesting food & expelling waste from the body
Crucial in sport as it controls a process known as vascular shunting (the redistribution of blood)
It controls the inner diameter (lumen) of blood vessels
Through vasodilation (widening of the lumen) and vasoconstriction (narrowing of the lumen) of certain arteries, blood flow to active areas of the body increass while blood flow to inactive areas decreases
Blood is directed to where it is most needed - the voluntary muscles used for movement
Voluntary Muscle
Volunatary Muscle
Attached to your bones via tendons
e.g. biceps and triceps
They are under conscious control;
you decide when and how powerfully you can contract them
They are curcial for to creating movement
e.g. walking, running, throwing or kicking
Even when sitting, many voluntary muscles are contracting to maintain your posture
Therefore, they are crucial in all sporting and physicial activity movements