Social Dilemma
Timothy Ou and Jayden Gordon
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What is Social Media & Addiction
Social Media & Addiction is the negative affect of social media on an indivduals mental health. It can cause long term issue, affecting your day to day life.
- Social media addiction can look like any other addiction or disorder that has been diagonised
- Social media affects the brain and lights up the same part of your brain that lights up when youre addicted to a substance of some sort.
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What is Social Media & Machine Learning
- Social Media & Machine Learning allows machines to access data and idenitfy certain things about the person or the things they do with the technology/website
Machine Learning: Why and how they do it
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- Computers can now recognise the emotions behind content uploaded by users
- Businesses can use analysis in social media and customer service to get input on a specific new product, design, or service and sell that data
- It works by exploring data and identifying patterns, and involves minimal human intervention.