What is the Women's Rights Movement?
Ch.1: Early America
Susan B. Anthony
People put "I Voted" stickers on her gravestone because she made it possible for women to vote
Little known facts
Women's Suffrage Movement: Women's Right to Vote
Abigail and John Adams
"The Women Who dared"
- "Civil Death" once married laws didn't recognize women
- Couldn't own property, turn over $ to husband
- "Do not put such unlimited powers in the hands of husbands" - Abigail Adams
- 30 years after death Women's Movement starts
Seneca Falls Convention: Women's Rights Convention
Ch.2: The Seneca Falls Convention
Declaration of Sediments (12 demands for women equality)
Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott
- July 9th 1848
- Public meeting to protest and discuss women's rights
- Using the Declaration of Independence "All men and women are created equal"
- Women couldn't vote, own property, or have equal rights
Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton
The Women's Suffrage Movement Started
Frederick Douglass
- Abolitionism movement
- Classic Autobiography
- Worked with Women's suffrage movement
Frederick Douglass
"There can be no reason in the world" to deny women the right to vote
"The right is ours. Have it, we must. Use it, we will."
Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Staton, and Sojourner Truth
Ch.3: Elizabeth and Susan Ch.4: A Long, Hard Fight Ch.5: Getting An Education
Sojourner Truth
- African American evangelist, abolitionist, women's rights activist and author
- "Ain't I a Woman?" speech convention in Ohio
- Escaped slavery
- “Now, if you want me to get out of the world, you had better get the women votin' soon. I shan't go till I can do that.”
- Women's Right to vote put on hold during war
- Women were unable to serve but supported the war through nursing
- Civil War ends and 15th amendment is passed to let black males vote
- Women's movement is split into two different views
- 1st Susan B. Anthony push to vote federally
- 2nd Lucy Stone pushes to make changes by each state
- Susan B. Anthony is arrested
- Brings women's right movement to court.
Civil War
Women at Work: 1850's
- Mass emigration from Europe to US
- Women join the work force
- Women/Children are working long hours in unsafe conditions
- Pauline Newman fights for the rights of women workers
- Newman is able to get women's rights in the work place improved
- Jane Addams
- Helps Women's Suffrage movement
- Helps immigrant families in Chicago
- Won the Nobel Peace Prize
Ch.6: Women at Work
Ch.7: New Century, New Fight
Ch.8: Victory at Last
Winning Strategy
- Carrie Chapman Catt and Alice Paul
- Bring the two groups of the suffrage movement together
- Organized newspaper articles and parades
- "We Demand an Amendment to the Constitution of the United States Enfranchising the Women of this Country"
- Alice begins picketing in front of White House (Woodrow Wilson)
- Ida B. Wells
- Born a slave
- Became a journalist who investigated lynchings (murders)
- Worked with the suffrage movement
New Century, New Fight
Women suffrage around the World
- New Zealand first to have women vote 1893
- Australia 1902
- Finland 1906
- Norway 1913
- Canada, Germany, Austria, Poland 1918
- U.S. 1920
- Saudi Arabia 2015
Victory at Last
Women in WWII: 1939-1945
- Joined as nurses
- Women's Army Corps
- clerks, typists, radio operators, code breakers, traffic controllers, forecasters, service pilots
- Worked in military factories
- build ships, planes, tanks, trucks, ammunition and equipment
- FDR banned race discrimination in any business related to defense
Ch.9: WW2
Ch.10: Second Wave
Ch.11: Title 9 Changes the Game
Ch.12: Going Forward