Sacramento Region Community Foundation
Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services
Food Insecurity
Having insufficient physical and economic access to adequate amounts of nutritious, safe and culturally appropriate food to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle
Cost of Living
Cost of Living
Cost of Living in Sacramento:
Hunger In Sacramento
Who is Hungry?
- Seniors
- 1 in 8
- Expected to double in the coming decades
- Children
- 1 in 4
- 62% of all children qualify for Free and Reduced Price Meals at School
- Stunted brain and body development
Partner Agency Nework
Partner Agency Nework
Hunger Relief Organizations in Sacramento County
Hunger Relief Organizations in Sacramento County
- 220 Certified Partner Agencies
- Food Pantries
- Food Closets
- Food Lockers
- Other Food Banks
- Soup Kitchens
- Shelters
Emergency Food Assessment
Emergency Food Assessment
- Goal: Create a more effective and efficient Emergency Food System.
- Interviewed 71 stakeholders
- Partner Agencies
- SFBFS staff and board members
- Neighboring county food banks
- Active community members
- Surveyed all 220 Partner Agencies
SFBFS Capacity
Partner Agency Capacity
- Lack of staff
- 2 Agency Relations employees
- Unable to visit all 220 agencies
- All food located at SFBFS campus
- No deliveries
- Bridging a fragmented system
- Limited food storage
- 73% operate in less than 1,000 sq. ft.
- 50% use non-commercial cold storage
- Limited capacity to feed
- 62% of our agencies serve 100 to 400 clients a month
- 73% of agencies run on less than $5,000/yr.
- 65% have no paid staff
- Core volunteer base 65+
- Lack of equipment to transport/move food
Improve Communication:
- Emergency Food System Steering Committee
- Form groupings of partner agencies based on proximity to foster collaboration and mutuality
Increase Available Food:
- Source quality produce and other perishable foods
Serve More Individuals:
- Increase storage capacity and equipment for partner agencies
- Focus on cold storage
- Educational trainings for partner agencies
A United System Begins to Emerge
A United System Begins to Emerge
Neighborhood Food Access Networks
A collaborative effort put forth by partner agencies serving a shared community to maximize collaboration and efficiency in reducing the feeding gap
NFAN Goals
Building sustainable communities through relationships
- Best Practices
- Grocers Feed the Hungry
- NFAN Delivery
- Schedule Synchronization
- Outreach
- CalFresh
NFAN Timeline
Remaining NFANs:
5, 6, 8, 9, 10
- February 2017
- NFAN 13
- April 2017
- NFAN 7
- August 2017
- NFAN 12
- October 2017
- NFAN 3
- December 2017
- NFAN 4
- February 2018
- NFAN 2
- April 2018
- NFAN 11
- June 2018
- NFAN 1
NFAN Spotlight
- NFAN 7 - Arden/Arcade
- 12 agencies
- Meeting since April 2017
- Best Practices
- Grocers Feed the Hungry
- NFAN Delivery
- Schedule Synchronization
Improve the System
- Builds a more efficient Emergency Food System
- Empowers partner agencies to strengthen relationships with one another while serving their community
- Provides partner agencies with the needed resources to close the feeding gap
Close the Feeding Gap
Food Insecurity: 238,760 individuals
Need Met: 135,000 individuals
Close the Feeding Gap
Feeding Gap: 103,760 individuals
Agency Grants
- Provide funding through a grant process to qualified partner agencies to increase their capacity
- i.e. Trucks, refrigeration, pallet jacks, forklifts, client-tracking software, etc.,
- More staffing opportunities for partner agencies
- 65% of partner agencies have 0 staff
Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services
Access to food should never be in question!
- Facilitate all 13 NFANs by July 1, 2018
- Purchase & Source More Food
- Central Delivers to All NFANs
- Direct Deliveries to Partner Agencies
- Begin Accepting Online Orders
Economic Development
- Access to healthy food leads to improved productivity and less doctor visits
- Well fed children increase the chances of graduation and better paying jobs
- Adults are less likely to miss work
Leads to a healthier and more productive county!
Close the Feeding Gap
Food Insecurity: 238,760 individuals
Need Met: 135,000 individuals
Close the Feeding Gap
Feeding Gap: 103,760 individuals