5 Pelvic Floor Facts that will Change your Life
Means losing urine or stool when you don't want to!
- 33% of women over 40 have urinary incontinence
- 5% of men and 7% of women have daily urinary incontinence
- after 85 this increases to 15% for men and 24% for women
Many different Types of Incontinence:
- Stress, Urge, Mixed, Overflow, Post-Surgical
Pelvic Floor Muscles act as Sphincters
Pelvic Floor Muscles act as Sphincters
What Is Normal?
- Average person urinates between 6 and 8 times a day
- Over 40 years of age it's normal to urinate once during the night
- Average bladder capacity is 300-600 mL
- Voiding every 2.5 to 4 hours
Lifestyle Changes
- avoid irritants, avoid constipation, empty bladder every 3-4 hours
Pelvic Floor Muscle Training (Kegel)
- 30 quality contractions per day
Bladder Retraining
- suppress urge to urinate if urinating frequently ( > 6-8 x per day)
Mechanical Treatments
Medications and Surgery
First Line of Treatment
Level A, grade 1 evidence that Pelvic Floor Muscle Training is an effective treatment for Urinary Incontinence
Pelvic Organ Prolapse
- Prolapse is the downward descent of the female pelvic organs (vagina, uterus, bladder, rectum)
- 40% of postmenopausal women have some degree of prolapse
Pelvic Floor Muscle Training (PFMT) Effectiveness
Pelvic Floor Muscle Training (PFMT) Effectiveness
- PFMT prevents progression of pelvic organ prolapse
- PFMT provides significant symptom relief of pelvic organ prolapse (Hagen et al. 2017)
Back and Hip Pain
- Pelvic Floor Muscles support the pelvis and when they are weak, pain in the back, Sacro Iliac joint and hip may be felt
- Evidence shows significantly increased pain relief and functional mobility when PFMT is included with "typical" low back training programs (Bi X et al. 2013)
Post Prostatectomy Physiotherapy
Post Prostatectomy Physiotherapy
- Marriotti et al 2008 showed Pelvic Health physiotherapy had a postive impact on the early recovery of urinary continence after radical prostatectomy. After 20 wks 96.7% of men in physio treatment were continent versus 60% of men in control group.
- As pelvic floor muscle strength increased pressure ability to clamp the urethra and therefore men stay continent. Pelvic floor contractions also assist with increasing blood flow to the area and thereby decreasing erectile dysfunction.
Figure 1. Leakage weight (24-hour) in 2 groups at various followup intervals
Overactive Pelvic Floor
Overactive Pelvic Floor muscles may lead to:
- incontinence
- pelvic pain
- sexual dysfunction
Conditions Resulting from Overactivity
Conditions Resulting from Overactivity
- Chronic Pelvic Pain
- Voiding Dysfunction
- Urinary Urgency
- Constipation
- Overactive Bladder Syndrome
- Low Back Pain
- Vulvodynia
- Interstitial Cystitis
Therapeutic Approaches to Overactivity
- Soft Tissue Release
- Pilates / Yoga
- Relaxation / Breathing
- Nutrition
- Pain Biology Education
email: parisephysio@gmail.com
phone: 905-979-4203
14 Cross St. Dundas