Preparatory Year Report
- Total number of students joined and completed PY
- English Levels
- Surveys report
- Problem based learning
- Academic advising report
- KPIs report
- Research and community services
Total number of students joined and completed PY
Number of students per levels
Number of PBL students per levels
Number of students completed
Preparatory Year
The Percentage of students Completed Preparatory Year
Level-wise Current Status of Last Year Students
Survey Report
Survey Report
Preparatory Year
CES / 2017-2018
PY- Course Evaluation Survey
Number of students responded in each course Preparatory Year
CES 2017 - 2018
Number of students responded in each course Preparatory Year
CES 2017 - 2018
Academic Advisor report
- Get ready for Your First Year at college” presented by Mrs. Nisreen Alshamy-Intellectual development expert –September 19, 2017.
- Dream it, Believe it and Achieve it” presented by Ms.Maha Ajaj-Intellectual development expert –September 20, 2017.
- “How to Be Creative” presented by Mrs. Heba Gady-Trainer of professional and human resources development –September 20, 2017
- “Start Your Academic Year with Passion” presented by Mr. Husain Alghamdi- Founder of Young Leaders Association –September 21, 2017.
- “Cybercrime” presented by Dr. Ibrahim Zamzmi-Lawyer, legal adviser, arbitrator, notary public and member of the National Committee in Jeddah –November 14, 2017.
- “A failed success story” presented by Dr.Nizar Bahbari-Consultant of Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases –December 5, 2017.
- “Breast Cancer Awareness” presented by Dr. Abeer Al Ahmadi –October 31, 2017.
- “IELTS Training Course” from the British Council –January 30, 2018.
- “How to use and write professional email” –March 14, 2018.
- “Body Language” presented by Mr. Martin Fallon –October 24, 2017.
- “Memory Techniques” presented by Mr. Martin Fallon –October 31, 2017
Participation in the following activities:
- Holy Quran Competition at the University of Jeddah -February 25 & March 1, 2018.
- The jury committee of the Science Fair at
- Al-kon International School -February 27, 2018.
PY students attended Programs Orientation:
- Pharmacy
- Respiratory Therapy
- Physical Therapy
- Radiological science
- Nursing
- Health Care Management
Problem based learning
Maastricht University Visit and PBL
Orientation week
UM team met with PBL tutors
UM team meet with PBL coordinators
Second Practical session was conducted
for feedback with UM team
First Practical session with BMC tutors was conducted under the supervision
of the UM team
UM team meet with the tutors, Coordinator for Feedback
Professional Behaviour Form (PBL Track):
PBL first block Result:
- Greater than 7.2 :
8 students
- Average marks(4.8–7.2):
35 students
- Less than 4.8 ( Failure ):
13 students
PBL All Quizzes Result ( out of 40 )
Final PBL Result/2nd semester 2018
PY CES – PBL ( 2017-2018) second semester
PY CES – PBL ( 2017-2018) second semester
PY CES – PBL ( 2017-2018) second semester/feedback
PY CES – PBL ( 2017-2018) second semester/feedback
PY CES – pbl ( 2017-2018) second semester /feedback
2- problems with the quizzes time.
3- The students need more explanation from the lecturer.
4- student have a problem with the depth of the knowledge they should search
Ratio of Students to Teaching Staff (Based on full time teaching staff) Preparatory year 17-18
KPI (2)Students overall rating on the quality of their courses.
(Average rating of students on a five-point scale on overall evaluation of courses.)
KPI (3):Proportion of teaching staff with verified doctoral qualifications. Preparatory year
KPI(4) PYP Passing Rate
(Proportion of students entering preparatory program who successfully completed that program within the specified time)
KPI (5)Proportion of teaching staff participating in professional academic development activities during the Last Years (workshops)
Batterjee Medical College
Preparatory Year
Dr. Ikhlas Sindi