- About sixty years ago, a hepatitis experiment was conducted on mentally disabled children and adults at the willow Brook State school in Staten Island, New York.
- For much of human history,hepatitis cause some of the deadliest outbreaks in the world.
- During World War II, finding a vaccine became a necesscity when hepatitis outbreaks affected more than 50,000 American troops.
The WillowBrook Experiments
- 1. It is morally wrong to perform an experiment on either a normal or a mentally retarded child when no benefit can result for that child.
- 2. The institutionalized should not be used for human experimentation.
- 3. Health care staff at an institution have a duty first and foremost to improve the institution and should not turn the institution's failings to experimental advantage.
- 4. Experimentation on children, even with parental informed consent, is illegal unless it is in the interests of the child.
- 5. According to one report, parents were told that the only way their child could be admitted to Willowbrook is through the hepatitis unit.
- 6. Every patient has a right to decent and humane treatment. The patient's right supercedes every consideration about what would benefit humanity.
- The school was built to hold 4,000 residnts,but for years the number was over 6,000.
- When DR.Krugman and Dr.Giles began the Willowbrook hepatitis expirements,they used the conditions of willowbrook to their advantage.
- Parents were offered the oppurtunity to jump the line if their children became a part of the experiments.
- The parents of Nins Galen,a 10 year old autistic girl was one particular case.
- Patients were injected with heptitis by directly inserting the virus in their body or feeding thema concoction of chocolate milk.
- The expirements went from 1956 -1971.
A picture of willowbrooke School.