Dicot Poster
Created by Cameron Carpenter
Seed Comparison
Seed Comparison
- dicot seeds have 2 seed leaves
- when dicot seed germinates, it produces two seed leaves
- dicot stems are very tough and strong
- monocot seeds have 1 seed leaf
- when monocot germinates, it produces a single leaf
- monocot stems are usually flimsy and not very strong
Vein Patterns
- monocot leaves have parallel veins
- leaves carry out the process of photosynthesis
- dicot leaves have netlike veins like a webbed effect
- leaves also feed the plant with nutrients
Vein Patterns
Vascular Bundle Arrangements
Vascular Bundle Arrangments
- in the monocot stem the bundle is usually scattered
- in the dicot stem the bundle is usually in a ring connected to each other
Flower Characteristics
- monocots have fibrous roots
- monocots usually contains three petals
- dicots have taproots
- taproots are roots that branch off
- dicots contain four of five
Monocot and Dicot Flowers
Additional Information
- monocots have an embryo with one cotyledon and dicots have an embryo with two
- monocots have pollen with one furrow or pore and dicots have pollen with three
- monocots secondary growth is absent but dicots is usually present