National Career Readiness Certificate
National Career Readiness Certificate
NCRC Overview
- Owned by ACT-1-800-967-5539
- Scores set between 1-7
- Based on workforce requirements not education level
- 1-basic knowledge
- 7-highly advanced (not needed for every job)
Quick Glance at scores
Available Tests
Test Fees
- Applied Math $12
- Graphic Literacy $12
- Workplace Documents $12
- Business Writing $20
- Workplace Observation $20
*test prices may change from ACT so be sure to double check what is posted on the HRD Homepage.
- Scores typically same day*
- Workplace Observation-needs earphones
- *Business Writing-essays that are graded by ACT
- Takes a few days/week depending on point in year
Applied Mathematics-$12
Applied Math
Graphic Literacy
Graphic Literacy-$12
Workplace Documents-$12
Workplace Documents
Business Writing-$20
Business Writing
Essay reviewed by ACT-takes extra time for scores
Workplace Observation-$20
Workplace Observation
- Dillingham Center of ACC
- 1304 Plaza Dr, Burlington NC
- 336-506-4200
- Paulette-Mondays at 9am
- Cost by exam $12-20/exam
- Pay in person before exam or call Paula at 336-506-4219