Estimate, do Norman or Irish families hold more land?
What families ruled Cork?
The King of England was also Lord of Ireland
Anglo-Irish lords ruled nearly half of Ireland.
They followed English or Common Law.
Primogeniture: A ruler's eldest son gets all his lands when the ruler dies. Women only inherit if there are no more men.
Tanistry: Any man in the family who's father, father's father or father's father's father was a Ruler gets to vote/be chosen for the role of leader. Once the leader is chosen these men elect a Tániste (Deputy).
Analyse: What are the good points and bad points of each system.
The Pale
Look at the map, what do you think the Pale is?
If you were the ruler of England, who would you ask to control it?
The Pale
Dublin was a the biggest town in Ireland in 1500
10,000 people lived there.
What do you know about medievel towns?
The Pale was the area around Dublin, loyal to the English ruler.
The Lords of Kildare usually ran the Pale.
Surrender and Regrant
What do you think this means?
Examine the image, what do you think is happening?
Surrender and Regrant
King Henry VIII took the title King of Ireland.
Henry wanted to encourage Irish lords to use Common Law.
Surrender and Regrant: Henry asked Irish lords to surrender their lands to him and he would give them back with an English title.
Example, the chief of the O'Neill family became Earl of Tyrone.
Rationale for Plantations
Define Plantation:
Why would the government in England think Plantation was a good idea?
Look at the image of a planter town, how might it benefit English rule?
Notes: Goals of Plantation
English settlers would:
Follow Common Law
Speak English
Follow the Religion of the English Ruler
Protect Dublin
Provide soldiers to keep peace in Ireland
Fall of the Fitzgeralds
The Earls of Kildare became very powerful and Henry VIII decided to weaken them using an army.
The army were expensive and the Fitzgeralds could become powerful again later.
Herny needed more permanent solutions
First Plantations
Organised by Queen Mary I
She wanted to stop the O'Moors and O'Connors stealing cattle from the Pale.
However, only 80 Planters got land and the O'Moors and O'Connors attacked and took back their lands
First Plantations
Organised by Queen Elizabeth I
The Fitzgeralds of Desmond rebelled against the English crown to maintain their lands and Catholic Religion.
The English won and took the Fitzgerald lands
The estates were very large and they were given to English Undertakers
The estates were too big to maintain
Few planters came
Undertakers were settler landlords
They were called Undertakers because they undertook a promise to the English Crown.