Montclair State University
Montclair State University
- Montclair is located in the upper half section of New Jersey, 07043
- Near by places are Police station, gas stations, coffee shops.
- Its in a Suburb large city.
- Region- Mid Atlantic
1 Normal Avenue, Montclair NJ 07043
- Montclair State University was founded in 1908.
- It is a public university
- Ranked #187 National University.
- The mission Statement: serving the educational needs to NJ with programs characterized by academic rigor and currency in development of knowledge.
- The President is Susan A. Cole
- The enrollment rate is 20,978. ( 2017)
- The acceptance rate is 66% ( 2017)
- There is no religious affiliation.
Basic Info
- Degrees offered here are : Bachelors, Masters, Certifications and Doctorates.
- Student faculty ratio is 17 to 1.
- Top 6 majors : Arts. Education and Human Services. Humanities and Social Studies. Science and Mathematics. Business. Nursing
Academics & majors
Arts- 14.3%
Education and Human services, - 17.2%
Humanities and Social studies - 25%
Science and Math - 13.9%
Nursing -0.5%
Uncleared -12.5%
reading 430-530
math 450-550
writing 440-540
- ACT: 20
- 3.2 GPA or higher.
- The transfer rate is 23%.
- Retention rates: 83% for full time and 41% for part-time.
- Application fee $65.
Student Body
- 61% Female, 39% Male.
- High diversity for ethnicity: 29% Hispanic, 13% African American, 47% Caucasian, 3% Others, 6% Asian, 0.2% Native Hawaiian, and 0.1% American Indian.
- Commuters are allowed.
- There are many apartments, houses and hotels near by the university.
- There are events for commuters that happen around the year.
- There are places on Campus to eat, Plus food stores and eating areas close.
- Events: Karaoke Night, Movie Night, Chill out week, Recitals, etc.
- There is 5 bulidings for dorms
- You would share a room with either one to two people.
- There are multiple gym activities and clubs to join that deal with exercising called Group X.
Campus Life
- In state- $4,094. Out of state- $10,964.
Books/ supplies-
- In state- $1,300. Out of state- $1,300.
- In state- $2,310. Out of state $5,576
Total 4 years costs- Over 80,000... Precisely with whats listed an estimate of $78,308.
Tuition & Aid
Men: Basketball, Baseball, Football, Lacrosse, and Soccer.
Women: Basketball, Field Hockey, Lacrosse, Volleyball, Softball.
- Held on Sunday Oct. 7 2018 and Sunday Nov. 4 2018.
- On campus
- If cant make the dates set, you are allowed to come in any day to tour the campus and learn about this school.
- You can even stay overnight to get the full experience.
Open House
- 66% Graduation Rate in 4 years.
- Looking for good GPA, tests grades, clubs/activities, jobs, attendance, grades.
- 83% of students make it through their first year.
Facts & Figures
Contact Info
- 1 Normal Avenue, Monclair New Jersey 07043
- #9376554000
- Twitter: montclairstateu
Monday, Thursday: 8:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Please feel free to call us directly at 973-655-4444. Fax your application materials to 973-655-7700.