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By the end of this presentation, you'll know more about:
The professional practice model was considered to be one of the MAGNET designation program’s important requirements, where it was clearly mentioned in one of its main component known as "The Exemplary professional Practice".
Being a part of the recognition's gap analysis, the nursing quality team intended to meet the required standards, by meeting up with all nursing senior managers "ADONs" to assign them to explore their wards' nursing care model, which they can adopt and perform.
The Magnet Recognition Program provides a roadmap to nursing excellence, which benefits and reflect on organization's nursing service and reputation improvement.
To nurses, the Magnet Recognition means education and development through every career stage, which leads to greater autonomy at the bedside practice.
To patients, it means the very best care, delivered by nurses who believed in providing the best of care to all patient throughout their career.
Nursing history provides us the knowledge needed to understand our profession, learn from our past, and inform our patients and the community about the significant role we play in health care industry.
knowing the history of the nursing profession supports and empowers it's identity and promotes critical thinking. When nurses decided to well-establish the history of their profession, job retention will be atainable.
In the early 1800’s nurses received no training
and were expected to clean and do laundry as
well as caring for patients.
Most nurses knew
almost nothing about medicines or symptoms and
physicians often regarded nurses as little more than maids.
Not until 1873, where nursing
education was started to be based on the Nightingale model, which produced trained graduate nurses
Nurses had functionally evolved during the second World War as a result of the nursing shortage.
Registered nurses were extremly needed to nurse and look after the troops.
Nursing staff were assigned to complete specific tasks for a group of patients.
Eleanor C. Lambertsen believed that introcducing team nursing will help improving patient care.
Her dissertation was about “Education for Nursing Leaders” which introduces the model of team nursing, a
model that is still influential in nursing practice.
Today Lambertsen’s concept called for registered
nurses and doctors to coordinate the work of occupational and physical therapists, social workers
and other health care professionals.
In 1969 from the work of a team had evolved from direct nursing care to primary nursing care in the acute medical wards at the University of Minnesota Medical Center.
The nursing staff was
experiencing extreme frustration with their chaotic work environment; the nursing care delivery
model was "too fragmented and diffuse".
At the center of the KHUH Nursing Intra-Professional Care Model there is a "Tree" that symbolizes the patient, family, and community.
The outstretched hands demonstrate the caring relationships and the practices within the services and to our patients.
The nursing department values are what surrounds the core of the model which are the lynchpin of the PPM.
The Nursing Department implements its mission guided by the seven core nursing values embedded in the organization and are reflective of what it means to be a KHUH nurse.
The oldest method of organizing patient care is to
have each nurse responsible for planning,
organizing, and performing all care for assigned
It is commonly adopted by the critical care units, due to the nurse to patient ratio and patient acuity level
Functional nursing was designed as an efficacy model that seeks to get many tasks
accomplished in a short period of time.
Functional Nursing evolved during the second World War as a
result of the nursing shortage.
Registered nurses were needed to nurse the troops and to complete specific tasks for a group of patients.
Functional nursing is task-oriented in scope. Instead of one nurse performing many functions,
several nurses are given one or two assignments to handle and acomplish.
Team nursing involves use of a team leader and team members to provide various aspects of
nursing care to a group of patients. In team nursing, medications might be given by one nurse.
while baths and physical care are given by a nursing assistant under the supervision of a nurse
team leader.
Skill mixes include experienced and specially qualified nurses to nursing orderlies.
Modular Nursing is a modification of team nursing and focuses on the patient's
geographic location for staff assignments.
The unit is divided into groups referred to as
modules - also called districts or pods.
The same team of caregivers is assigned consistently to the same geographic location.
Each location, or module, has a RN assigned as the team leader, and the other team
members may include LVNs/LPNs and Unlicensed Assistant Personnel (UAP)
The primary nursing method is based on the idea that a nurse is responsible for planning, delivering, and evaluating the care of one or more patients from the moment of admission to discharge.
In order to allow continuity of care, each primary nurse is assisted by associate nurses.
Relationship-Based Nursing Practice is a care delivery model designed to transition nursing care from task-focused to relationship-based.
Three main relationships are as follows:
This actualizes the role of the professional registered nurse and contributes to job satisfaction, as well as increasing patient and family satisfaction.
The designation program suggested in one of its' model components known as the "Exemplary Professional Practice", that the applying organization must have a Nursing Professional Practice Model.
The Exemplary Professional Practice encourages the role of nursing and allows nurses to practice in an environment where autonomy and professional accountability define quality patient care based on the best evidence.
It also describes how nurses practice and collaborates with other disciplines and how their role is aligned with the hospital's mission.
The Nursing Divisions and their adopted Care Models.
The nursing department had a fundemental role in achiveing the organization's vision by meeting the designation's desirable nursing excellence standards.
Therefore, the nursing quality and accreditation department had proposed to start a series of formal meetings with senior nursing managers (ADONs) to talk about KHUH Nursing Professional Practice Model.
The meetings were conducted also to discuss the ADONs' adopted nursing care models and how it possibly fit their respected units based on the nursing care delivery sytsem inplace
The nurse is responsible for planning, delivering, and evaluating the care of one or more patients from the moment of admission to discharge.
Nursing Units adopted this model:
Medical & Surgical Wards
Where a registered nurse provides one-to-one care to patients, as well as having a degree of team work through shared responsibility and task delegation between nurses and the patient care assistants.
Nursing Unit adopted this model :
Emergency Medicine Depatrtment
Adult/Pediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care units
Nurse is responsible for planning, delivering, and evaluating the care of one or more patients from the moment of admission to discharge through continuous nursing care.
The modle had also added a degree of team work through shared responsibility and task delegation between nurses and the patient care assistants.
Nursing Units adopted this model:
Post-Natal Ward
Labor and Delivery Unit
Pediatric ward
Antenatal Ward