Cirrus Airframe Parachute System [ CAPS ]
CAPS Components
- CAPS activation handle
- CAPS Safety Pin
- Caps Placard
- Rocket Igniter Assemby
- Rocket Motor
- Deployment Bag
- Suspension
- Canopy
- All composite airplane construction
- Composite landing gear
- Cabin Roll Cage
- 4 point seat belts
- Airbags
- High G Load Seats
CAPS Activation handle is connected to Rocket Igniter Assembly by a steel cable
CAPS Activation Procedure. Placard must be displayed for aircraft to be airworthy
Igniter Assembly
Rocket Igniter Assembly
- Mounted aft of baggage area
- Once handle is pulled an electrical circuit is completed to provide ignition path from igniter assembly up to rocket motor
- The rocket motor consists of a motor case, solid propellent, and nozzle
- Cables and incremental bridle Connects the rocket to the deployment bag
- The suspension lines, Risers, and three point shackle connect the canopy to the airplane by a three point harness. (rear suspension line remains snubbed until parachute is fully inflated.
Cabin Safety Features
Cabin Features
Cabin area is naturally protected by the all composite construction as well as the composite landing gear and roll cage
- 4 point seat belts
- Airbags
- High G Load Seats
1. Pull activation handle straight down with about 45 lbs of force)
- Activates the igniter plunger creating an electrical circuit igniting the rocket motor
2. Less than 2 seconds from rocket dislodging the caps cover and pulls the deployment bag and accessories
3. Rocket pulls off deployment bag so parachute can inflate
4. Parachute slider activates - sliding down controlling its rate of inflation for symmetry
5. Snubbed line releases, rear harness extends to put airplane in touchdown attitude (10 degrees nose down, 1700 FPM)
CAPS Operation
- Ensure to do a CAPS safety briefing for every flight
- How to pull
- When to pull
- What to expect
- How to land
- How to exit
Complete CAPS strategy before every take off!
Once parachute is deployed:
- Contact ATC- Mayday call
- Complete After-Deployment Checklist
- Should a door jam use egress hammer
- Once touched down, escape upwind to avoid getting tangled up in parachute rigging
Post Deployment
Keep a hard deck altitude in mind for when you will pull (no less than 2,000') CAPS
Above the threshold evaluate the situation progressively every 1000'
- How are you maintaining airspeed
- What is your trajectory to the anticipated landing point
- Where are winds
- How much time you have until you reach your hard deck altitude.
Descent under fully deployed parachute = 1,700 FPM
Pulling at 2,000' leaves you with 1 min to landing.