Beowulf Timeline
By Paul Davis, JP Cost, and Josh Collins
Grendel's Attack
- "Snatched up thirty men, smashed them all" (Line 37).
- This quote shows how strong of a creature Grendel is.
- It also portays how truly evil he is and that Grendel was killing out of random spite.
Grendel's Attack
Beowulf the Epic Hero
- "I alone and with the help of my men may purge all evil from this hall" (165-166).
- This quote was when Beowulf and his men sailed to the land of the Danes to help Hrothgar.
- This quote shows the confidence and leadership of Beowulf.
The Battle With Grendel
- "The shepard of evil, guardian of crime, knew at once that nowhere on earth had he met a man whose hands were harder" (Lines 273-275).
- Up to this point, Grendel had easily killed most of his victims.
- This shows how strong Beowulf truly is.
Grendel is Defeated
- "He twisted in pain, and the bleeding sinews deep in his shoulder snapped, muscle and bone split" (Line 336-339).
- The author of this poem uses descriptive language to captivate the reader.
- Beowulf also brings Grendel's arm back as a trophy, and hangs it up for all to see.
Grendel's Mother
- "She'd taken Hrothgar's closest friend, The man he loved most of all men on this earth" (Lines 414-415).
- This quote shows that Grendel's mother was extremly upset about the death of her son.
- She targets Hrothgar's closest friend as revenge.
The Battle with Grendel's Mother
- "Caught her in the neck and cut through it, Broke bones and all. Her body fell to the floor lifeles, the sword wet" (523-526).
- Beowulf was able to overcome the odds and defeat Grendel's Mother
- This again shows some of the epic traits of Beowulf.
Beowulf's Revenge on Grendel
- "Found him lying dead in his corner, armless, exactly as the fierce fighter had left him, Had sent him out of Herot, then struck off his head with a single swift blow" (Lines 541-545).
- Beowulf was still angry about what Grendel had done to the Danes.
- After Beowulf defeats Grendel's Mother, he cuts of Grendel,s head and uses it as a trophy.
The Dragon
- "But I will fight again, seek fame still, if the dragon hiding in his tower dares to face me" (Lines 609-611).
- There was peace for a long time with Beowulf in charge.
- A dragon began to terrify the Danes, so an elderly Beowulf has to come back to fight.
The Death of Beowulf
- "Beowulf spoke, in spite of the swollen, livid wound, knowing he'd unwound. His string of days on Earth, seen as much as God would grant him; all worldly pleasure was gone, as life would go" (Lines 737-740).
- Going into the fight Beowulf was aware of the chance that he might die.
- Regardless, he was content with his fate and proud of his life achievments.
The Mourning of Beowulf
- "Telling their sorrow, telling stories of their dead king and his greatness, his glory, praising him for heroic deeds, for life as noble as his name" (Lines 886-889).
- This quoute shows how highly the Geats thought of Beowulf.
- The Geats created a tower in Beowulf's honor so that his legacy could live on forever.