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The Liar's Daughter

Megan Cooley Peterson

September 10th 2019

Realistic Fiction

Freedom is sometimes hidden behind lies.

Central idea 1

"Tomorrow, children, you need to start putting another coat of shielding paint on the house. The government must've put up another so-called cell phone tower close by" ... "They cause electromagnetic radiation poisoning but Father has tricks to keep us safe" (Peterson 35).

Example 1

This shows that freedom is hidden behind lies because her "father" is telling her false statements about cellphones to convince her to be afraid of them. He brainwashed her into believing a false statement about the safety of cellphones, preventing her from even wanting to get one. We see the lie later when Caspian and her meet up in the book and he shows her that the cellphone helped him find her.

"I rest my forehead against the window. Jeannie is driving us to the house Father and Mother took me to after they stole me. Stole me. I still can't believe it" (Peterson 253).

Example 2

This shows the reader how freedom sometimes is hidden behind lies because she was convinced that she was Father and Mother's child. Then she realizes that she was taken away from her real mother and she was told that Mother and Father are her parents. That was a lie and because she was told that, she doesn't even try to get her freedom because she thinks that they are her real parents.

"Husband. I swallow away the fear, the doubt. Father doesn't make mistakes" (Peterson 82).

Example 3

This shows that freedom can be hidden behind lies because she has been hearing "Father's" lies for her whole life so she doesn't doubt him. She grew up believing that Curtis was her father so she had no reason to question it. She had been so brainwashed that even after huge mistakes by Father, she trusts his judgement over her own.

"For the first time, it's like I'm seeing the world through my own two eyes instead of Mother's and Father's" (Peterson 264).

Example 4

This shows that Piper's freedom had been taken for so long that she had never been able to see the world through her own point of view. Now that she sees the world without being brainwashed, her entire perspective on the world has changed along with her personality. Without the lies of her so-called Mother and Father, she can now see the world how it actually is.

You can take someone's freedom but you can't take their will to love.

Central idea 2

"When I imagine becoming a wife and a mother, there is only one face I see. But I say nothing" (Peterson 63).

Example 1

Piper has always felt a certain way towards Caspian. She knows deep down that she is in love but because of "Father" convincing everyone that he has to choose their soul mate, she waited to confess her love for Caspian. Curtis, the "Father", had initially planned for Piper to marry Thomas but she had never been interested in him. However, she has always had feelings for his brother, Caspian. Her freedom may have been taken, but her will to love will always be with her.

"Energy sparks off him. He's like the lighting that struck the bumper-car ride. I want to touch him, to see if an arc of light might flash between us"

(Peterson 24).

Example 2

This shows that you can take someone's freedom but you can't take their will to love. Piper had never been free but still fell in love with Cas even though it was against Father's orders. Piper and Caspian still hang out with each other even when they know it could get them in trouble. with the people in charge of the compound.

"'I feel like you're leaving me behind. Like I don't fit into your new life.' I swallow. 'Like you enjoy living on the outside.' He leans down and kisses me. you are my life, Piper.'" (Peterson 223).

Example 3

This shows that you can take someone's freedom but you can't take their love away. Piper and Caspian do end up falling in love even though it was against father's wishes. Father says that love just gets in the way of life. When Piper fell in love with Cas, she knew it was worth the distraction because you can't stop someone from falling in love.

"A stolen smile. The brush of Caspian's elbow against mine. Everything has been heightened since our night under the broken stars. I don't even mind working on the fallout shelter. It means we get to stay close all day, every day" (Peterson 163).

Example 4

This shows that you can't take their will to love because even through all the rules against love, Piper and Caspian still find a way. Even though they have to be discrete about their love, they know love is important. Although Father took their freedom, he was unable to take their will to love.

Other people's opinion can influence your own.

Central idea 3

"I should want to shrug him away, shrug these new feelings away. Father says romance, masturbation, and sex are distractions from our cause" (Peterson 30).

Example 1

This shows that other people can influence your opinion because Piper listens to Father and she believes whatever he says. Piper thinks that whatever he says is the truth and whatever he says goes. She had grown up listening to his lies which resulted in her opinion being changed to whatever he said no matter how factual it is.

"Your father has chosen Thomas for you, my darling. If Caspian were to get in the way of that..." ... "Forget whatever feelings you may think you have. They're inconsequential compared to the battles ahead" (Peterson 86).

"'You and Thomas are a perfect match.' I shiver"

(Peterson 99).

Example 2

This shows that people's opinion can influence your own because Father wants Piper to be with Thomas. Little did Father know, Piper had already fallen in love with Caspian and had no interest in Thomas. Instead of simply confessing her feelings, she hid them because she didn't want to disappoint Father.

"I'm wrong to want something different than what Father had decided is right for me" (Peterson 65).

Example 3

This shows that people's opinion can influence your own because Piper doesn't agree with what Father wants for her. Although, she doesn't want to disagree with him because she knows that his opinion matters more than hers does. She had given up on her own perspective because she was convinced that her opinion didn't matter.

"And she and Curtis stole children. That's why Thomas went to the police. He overheard the Aunties talking about them taking another child from the outside. He couldn't let that happen... No. Cas, no, please. How can you say these things?They love us. Whatever they did, it was because they love us. Love me. I'm their daughter" (Peterson 235).

Example 4

Father doesn't want anyone to disobey them and Piper knows that. So even though Piper isn't currently at the compound, she still thinks that she can't disobey Father. Piper thinks that Father and Mother are her parents and she doesn't know that she was kidnapped. So when Caspian tells her this she thinks that Caspian can't say these things. She is free so she doesn't have to think that Father is always right.

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