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Bryan Jesse
was very important to people in the 14th century. This impacted Italy because it gave them something to believe in. The main city-states: Milan, Venice, Rome, and Florence didn’t
The Last Supper
Catholic Church
Not having a king or queen led to independent city-states, but they also worked together. This impacted Italy because they were successful. Independent city-states led to lots of trade and
The printing press impacted Italy because it gave people a way to communicate. These inventions also inspired people to make more inventions. During this time period,
became more important. Artistic styles changed and became more unique and colorful. This impacted Italy because several wealthy families supported the artists. An example of this is the Medici family. Several different
The Last Supper
Mona Lisa
These included humanism, individualism, and religion. This impacted Italy by changing their viewpoints and allowing people to express themselves. A combination of several different famous artists created the
Da Vinci
These artists include, Sandro Botticelli, Domenico Ghirlandaio, Pietro Perugino, and Michelangelo. This impacted Italy because the fame of the artists draw a lot of attention to the chapel and still do today. Another type of artwork includes
Renaissance sculptures originated in Florence. Wealthy people paid artists to make sculptures. This impacted Italy because it gave people public art sculptures that can be found around the cities. The Renaissance can be described as
The three main things that changed were art, religious views, and inventions. These all impacted Italy by shaping the future of the world. One of two dominate centers in Italy is the Kingdom of
The King of Naples runs the government. Naples sets off a war between French and Spanish. This impacted Italy because it made the rest of the city states realize they need to distribute the weapons to prevent this. Italian merchants set up trading
in the east. This impacted Italy because the centers got people wealthy due to the centers being located along the coast. They traded for silks, sugars, and spices in the east. 60% of the population in Italy was decimated because of the
This impacted Italy by freeing up expendable income to be spent and people could spend money on interesting things