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- 1 cup of milk - 6:50 AM.
- 1 Asian Chicken Wrap - 12:55 PM.
- 1 bowl of rice + salmon. - 8:30 PM.
- 1 cup of milk - 6:50 AM.
- 1 Caesar's Salad - 11:20 AM.
- 1 bowl of rice + chicken - 8:00 PM.
- 1 cup of milk - 6:50 AM.
- 1 Asian Chicken Wrap - 12:55 PM.
- 1 bowl of rice + pork. - 8:40 PM.
DAY 1 - 1169 calories
- 1 cup of milk (1% fat) = 1 cup; 208 calories.
- Asian Chicken Salad = 3 cups (355 grams); 554 calories.
- Rice = 1 cup (158 grams); 205 calories. + Pork = 85 grams; 202 calories.
DAY 2 - 1165 calories
- 1 cup of milk (1% fat) = 1 cup; 208 calories.
- Caesar's salad = 3 cups (305 grams); 481 calories.
- Rice = 1 cup (158 grams); 205 calories. + Chicken = 127 grams; 271 calories.
DAY 3 - 1169
- 1 cup of milk (1% fat) = 1 cup; 208 calories.
- Asian Chicken Salad = 3 cups (355 grams); 554 calories
- Rice = 1 cup (158 grams); 205 calories. + Pork = 85 grams; 202 calories.
On average, I consume about 1167 calories a day. According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, for someone my age who is not active, the calorie requirement is 1,800 calories a day. I'm about 700 calories off of the needed amount of calories. Side effects of lack of calories include rapid weight loss, iron deficiency and low protein levels that affect the immune system’s ability to fight off colds, the flu, and more serious illnesses.
Therefore, in order to make sure I don't experience rapid weight loss, iron deficiency, or low protein levels that weaken my immune system, I must eat as much as 1,800 calories a day. A way to accomplish that is by adding something else into my breakfast that isn't just a cup of milk, or eating more at lunch.
By December 1, 2018, I will increase my calorie intake by at least 800, by looking up foods containing many calories and adding them into my breakfasts and lunches, in order to reach the needed calorie intake for someone my age to avoid weakening my immune system.
S - Specific:
M - Measurable: Measure my calorie intake by looking up the calories that are in the foods I consume.
A - Attainable:
R - Realistic:
T - Time Bound: Deadline - December 1, 2018.
DAY 1. 12:10 AM - 6:30 AM
6 hours, 20 minutes. (380 minutes)
DAY 2. 11:45 AM - 6:30 AM
6 hours, 45 minutes. (405 minutes)
DAY 3. 12:00 AM - 6:30 AM
6 hours, 30 minutes. (390 minutes)
DAY 4. 12:30 AM - 6:30 AM
6 hours. (360 minutes)
DAY 5. 12:45 AM - 6:30 AM
5 hours, 45 minutes. (345 minutes)
DAY 6. 11:30 PM - 6:30 AM
7 hours. (420 minutes)
DAY 7. 11:30 PM - 6:30 AM
7 hours. (420 minutes)
Reflection: I get on average 6 hours and 50 minutes of sleep each night, which does not reach the needed 8 to 10 hours that are needed for a 15 year-old to function at their best. I wake up at the same time every school day, but go to sleep late at inconsistent times due to school obligations. Although it's not irregular for teens my age to have a messy sleep schedule, it still can lead to negative effects; as a result of my sleep schedule, my biological clock already runs a little differently than it should, and if I continued with this same sleep schedule, I could end up developing sleep disorders such as narcolepsy and insomnia.
Action Plan: In order to get the needed 8-10 hours of sleep to function properly, I'd obviously have to go to sleep earlier than I normally do. Sometimes I can't do that, however, as I stay up late to finish assignments and study. A solution I have for this is to go to sleep earlier on weekends, for those are the days I don't need to worry about completing assignments and I am able to sleep in.
By December 1, 2018, I will increase the average amount of hours of sleep I get a week by sleeping earlier/sleeping in on weekends in order to lower my chances of getting sick and avoid impairing my cognition and decision-making, and I will do so by tracking the times I go to sleep and wake up.
S - Specific:
M - Measurable: I can measure the amount of sleep I get by tracking when I go to bed/wake up.
A - Attainable:
R - Realistic:
T - Time Bound: Deadline - December 1, 2018.
Source: National Sleep Foundation and Nationwide Children's Hospital.
Breast self exams are used to detect breast cancer, hopefully in the early stages. It is recommended to perform a self exam at least once a month, either in the shower, in the mirror, or lying down.
When performing a breast self exam in the shower, you should use the pads of your fingers to move around your entire breast in a circular pattern moving from the outside to the center, checking the entire breast and armpit area for any lump, thickening, or hardened knot.
When inspecting in the mirror, visually inspect your breasts with your arms at your sides. Then, raise your arms high overhead, and ;ook for any changes in the contour, any swelling, or dimpling of the skin, or changes in the nipples. Then, rest your palms on your hips and press firmly to flex your chest muscles. Left and right breasts will not exactly match, so look for any dimpling, puckering, or changes, particularly on one side.
When inspecting while lying down, the breast tissue spreads out evenly along the chest wall. Place a pillow under your right shoulder and your right arm behind your head, and using your left hand, move the pads of your fingers around your right breast gently in small circular motions covering the entire breast area and armpit. Check for discharge and lumps. Repeat these steps for both breasts.
If you spot any changes, get those evaluated by your healthcare provider.
As stated before, breast self exams are used to detect breast cancer in the early stages. The exams don't prevent breast cancer, but performing the self exams at least once a month impacts my health by helping me know what is normal for my body and what isn't, and helps me ensure that my body is healthy.
Source: National Breast Cancer Foundation
What impacts the environment, therefore affecting me and my community?
- Water usage.
- Plastic waste.
Water waste: Wasting water is wasting a precious, vital resource that millions (663 million, according to Water Facts: Facts About the Global Water Shortage) don’t even have clean, safe access to. In places where clean water is scarce, overusing or wasting household water limits the availability of it for other communities to use for drinking, cleaning, cooking or growing—and thus contributes to disease, illness, or agricultural scarcity/starvation. Wasting water also means higher household water utility bills, which is one of the most common reasons why water-wise individuals or households conserve water.
Plastic waste: Chemicals added to plastics are absorbed by human bodies. Plastic buried deep in landfills can leach harmful chemicals that spread into groundwater. Water bottles are made of completely recyclable PET plastics, but PET plastics don't biodegrade, but photo-degrade, which means they break down into smaller fragments over time. Those fragments absorb toxins that pollute our waterways, contaminate our soil, and sicken animals (which we then eat).
Source: The Huffington Post
By December 1, 2018, I will have taken steps to help improve my environment's health by making choices that help reduce water usage, including turning off the tap when I brush my teeth (which can save 6 liters of water per minute) and watering our outdoor plants in the mornings when it's my turn (and encourage other members of my family to do the same; this requires using less water, as cooler morning temperatures mean losing less water to evaporation. It’s not a great idea to water in the evenings, since this can promote mold growth). Additionally, I will use a water bottle that I can refill every day, to reduce the amount of plastic I usually throw away (that are usually in the form of plastic water bottles).
S - Specific:
M - Measurable: When I turn the tap off when brushing my teeth, that saves 6 liters of water per minute. One water bottle for a unknown, long amount of time will obviously be reducing the amount of plastic I throw away, as it doesn't compare to the multiple plastic water bottles that I would throw away after they're empty.
A - Attainable:
R - Realistic:
T - Time Bound: Deadline - December 1, 2018.
(Not including weekends)
4 - Thurs.
1 - Mon.
3 - Wed.
5 - Fri.
6 - Mon.
2 - Tues.
7 - Tues.
7:20 - 7:30: Walk to the bus stop
7:50 AM-8:05 AM: Walk through the hallways.
3:30 PM-3:40 PM: Walk home from the bus stop.
(35 minutes Cardiovascular exercise)
Reflection: Obviously, I am not the most physically active person, although I am consistent. Technically, I do get around 35 minutes of exercise a day (on weekdays), but it's limited to mainly briskly walking, when someone my age should be exercising for about 60 minutes a day and varying their workouts. If I continued with this lifestyle, consequences that could occur in the future for not getting enough exercise/burning enough calories include low energy, stiff joints, osteoporosis, poor posture, and becoming overweight.
Action Plan: Something I could do in order to improve my physical health and avoid facing any of the consequences listed above is exercising for about 20-30 minutes after school, by jogging or doing push-ups or something similar to those activities. That way, I can exercise for about 60 minutes a day, strengthening my body and improving my metabolism in the process. This goes hand-in-hand with my log, reflection, and action plan for my nutrition; if I improve the amount of calories I consume and the amount of calories I burn, I can improve my physical health and immune system.
By December 1, 2018, I will have improved my physical health by regularly doing various exercises for about 30 minutes after school, every weekday, in order to burn the same amount of calories I consume, which will increase the overall amount of exercise I get a day, which will help strengthen my body and metabolism.
S - Specific:
M - Measurable: I can track the calories I consume, and look up exercises that will help me burn that amount.
A - Attainable:
R - Realistic:
T - Time Bound: Deadline - December 1, 2018.
(Sources: + BBC)
(Some that I experience)
1. Having Unhealthy Diets
Risky behavior that leads to unhealthy diets include not eating the right amounts of fruit or drinking fruit juices, not eating any vegetables, not drinking milk, drinking sugar based drinks such as sodas, not eating breakfast.
2. Inadequate Physical Activity
Risky behavior that leads to lack of physical health is not getting enough exercise, which includes the following risk factors: not doing any cardiovascular activity in the last week, not attending Physical Education classes, playing video games or spending time on the computer for 3 or more hours per day, watching television for 3 or more hours per day.
3. Behaviors that Contribute to Unintentional Injuries and Violence
Examples include riding a bicycle without wearing a helmet, not wearing a seat belt when riding as a passenger in a car, riding in cars with drivers who had been drinking, and texting while driving a vehicle.
How do these behaviors impact my health? How can I avoid these risks?
Having an unhealthy diet, as I stated before when analyzing my nutrition log, can impact my health by leading to me experiencing rapid weight loss, iron deficiency, and a weakened immune system. To avoid any of those consequences, I should add in more fruits to my diet, eat more vegetables, and eating more at breakfast.
Having an inadequate amount of physical activity (the recommended is 60 minutes a day) can lead to low energy, stiff joints, osteoporosis, poor posture, and becoming overweight. Because the quarter's about to end, however, that means that physical education classes are right around the corner, and once those start, it is likely I'll be able to boost the amount of exercise I get and vary type of exercises I engage in, resulting in a less likely chance of facing any of the consequences of not getting enough exercise.
Participating in behaviors that contribute to intentional injuries obviously leads to injury, and such activities include not wearing a seatbelt while riding in a car and texting while driving. As of right now, I can't drive, so the chances of me texting while driving are 0% (and I plan on keeping it that way, even when I'm able to drive). Rarely do I ever ride in a car now without wearing a seatbelt, but I included it in my list because I have experienced that in the past, when my parents would drive me to school when I was in elementary school, since it was very close to where we lived. In order to avoid getting injuried, I always wear a seatbelt when riding in a car.
Two goals I would like to work on are improving my physical health and my nutritional health, because both go hand-in-hand with the other. My nutritional health may affect my physical health, and my physical health may affect my nutritional health. Both my SMART goals have a deadline of December 1, 2018. Because they affect each other similarly, if I accomplish one goal, I will have to eventually accomplish the other in order to maintain a healthy balance.
In order to accomplish my goal for physical health, I will participate in the upcoming physical education classes, and do various aerobic exercises, for example, jogging, for about 30 minutes after I go home from school.
In order to accomplish my goal for improving my nutritional health, I will add more high-calorie foods (rice, fish, potatoes, bread) into my breakfasts, lunches, and dinner, and keep track of how many calories I consume a day.
What parts of my plan have I tried to implement? What challenges have I faced?
So far, I've tried to implement the nutritional part of my plan, adding more high-calorie foods into my meals. It's been a success when it came to lunch and dinner, as I have more choices at those times, and I have more time, so I don't pick foods just because I think I'll eat them faster. A challenge I've faced for this part of my plan is adding food into my breakfast. In the mornings, I don't necessarily rush, but I tend to overlook my breakfast, sometimes skipping it altogether even though I wasn't going to consume much in the first place.
Do I need to adjust my plan?
I don't think I need to adjust my plan as of right now, since I still have a long time between now and my planned deadline. The physical health part of my plan relies somewhat on physical education classes starting, which they will, very soon. Although the nutritional part of my plan is the only one that I'm currently trying to accomplish, I know the physical part of my plan will come into play soon.
If I DID adjust my plan, however, a change I could make would be making my own lunch at home to bring to school, that way I could ensure that I reached my needed calorie intake without taking the risk of the school not having any foods that would help me accomplish that goal.
How will this portfolio improve my future health (physical, mental, social wellbeing)?
As a result of this portfolio, I now know a little bit more about the areas in my health that I'm lacking, and how they impact me. Using this new knowledge of how my sleep, nutrition, physical activity, and environment can affect me both negatively and positively, I can make changes that will lead to a positive improvement in my physical, mental, and social wellbeing, like getting the needed amount of sleep (which will improve my mood, and as a result, my social interactions), getting more exercise (improve my physical wellbeing) and make changes that will help my environment for me and my community (leading to a better mental and social wellbeing).