"Kamustahan Session"
Don't wait for the right opportunity. Create it. :)
"Kamustahan Session"
- Name
- Department
- Adjective that best describes you.
Q & A
- My job
- My Team
- My Supervisor
- Our Company
1. I have the tools and resources I need to do my job well.
2. Most days, I see positive results because of my work.
3. My work is valued by this organization.
4. I have received the training I need to do my job well.
5. On a scale of 1 to 10, how happy are you at work?
6. On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your work-life balance?
7. Hypothetically, if you were to quit tomorrow, what would your reason be?
1. The people I work with take accountability and ownership for results.
2. The people I work with treat me with respect.
3. My coworkers and I openly talk about what needs to be done to be more effective.
1. On a scale of 1 to 10, how comfortable do you feel giving upwards feedback to your supervisor?
2. My supervisor helps me understand how my work is important to the organization.
3. My supervisor is approachable and easy to talk to.
4. My supervisor creates a motivating and energizing workplace.
5. My supervisor sets high expectations for our team's performance.
6. My supervisor gives me regular feedback on how I am doing.
7. My supervisor treats people with fairness and respect.
1. The vision and goals of this organization are important to me personally.
2. This company provides attractive opportunities for training and development.
3. There are opportunities for my own advancement in this organization.
4. This company cares about employees.
5. I would recommend this company as a great place to work.
6. I would recommend this company as a great place to work.
Needs improvement
What are the areas that need the most improvement in our organization?
What are the greatest strengths of our organization?
3 words
What three words would you use to describe our culture?
Your dreams will make you stand out.
Highly encouraged and motivated
Attracts negative people
Dreamers will surely face difficulties and challenges.
A. Keep in mind that it demands INTEGRITY.
B. Help others with their dreams.
C. You start PLANNING.
P-ray for it
L-ay it out
A-ct it out
N-avigate it out